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你船可以在协调世界时0900时续航。You may proceed at 0900 UTC.

而混合动力电动车的续航能力一般为300英里。And as a rule, the hybrid e-vehicle can run 300 miles.

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添加更多的原始细胞就会增加电池的续航时间。Adding more protocells would increase the battery life.

同时,MiLi声称能够让电池续航时间加倍。At the same time MiLi claims it doubles the battery life.

电池续航时间取决于设备的设定、用法和其他因素。Battery life depends on device settings, usage and other factors.

这些轿车的续航能力有限,技术落后,只有800台EV-1找到了买家。Only 800 of the range-limited cars with outdated technology found customers.

索德没有透露电池的续航时间,仅暗示电池的功能相当强劲。Mr. Thode didn't provide specifics on battery life but indicated it would be robust.

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其它时候,手机就是处于待机状态,大部分时间处于睡眠模式---为你节省宝贵的手机电池续航时间。Otherwise, it's waiting, mostly asleep—and saving that precious battery life just for you.

这么一来猎人在BOSS战中就完全不用考虑到续航的影响了?That way hunters BOSS battle completely without taking into account the life of the affected?

该船续航能力极强,因此多用于远途运输部队和军需物资。It can cross great distances, making it useful for ferrying troops and supplies to far away locations.

电池续航能力是电子书的主要优点之一,因为只有在翻页时才会消耗电力。Battery life is one of the big advantages of e-paper, which uses power only when a page is being turned.

最大飞行速度为M0.8,续航时间为11小时、如进行空中加油则可在空中停留20小时。Maximum flight speed of M0.8, life time of 11 hours, as can be for aerial refueling in the air for 20 hours.

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三芯电池可以提供3小时的续航,六芯电池的续航时间将达到6小时。The three-cell battery can provide up to three hours of battery life, while the latter does up to six hours.

更体贴的是,i8可以在纯电动模式下续航20英里左右,然后换至汽油动力。More pertinently, the i8 can travel around 20 miles on pure electric power before switching over to gasoline.

例如Chrome笔记本的启动速度更快,其电池续航时间据称也长于传统笔记本。For example, Chromebooks boot up faster and claim to have a much longer battery life than traditional laptops.

如果你上下班往返路程小于Volt的40英里电池续航里程,那就用不上汽油发动机。If your commute is less than the Volt's 40-mile battery range, you might never actually use the gasoline engine.

对于雪佛兰Volt来说续航能力意味着一个特殊挑战因为它搭载了一台汽油发动机。Maintaining the extended-range Chevrolet Volt presents a special challenge because it carries a gasoline engine.

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现在电源管理要全面管理你的费电设备,延长电池续航时间。Now it is time for runtime power management to paralyze devices that shorten your battery life time on the road.

鉴于蓄电池价格高达数千美元,而续航里程仅有大约100英里,目前尚不清楚消费者会有多大兴趣。With batteries costing thousands of dollars and limited to about a 100-mile range, consumer appetite is unclear.

C801导弹的助推器和续航发动机均采用固体火箭发动机,大大提高了其战斗性能。The performance of C801 missile is greatly improved by using sol-id rocket motor both in its booster and sustainer.