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这类裁决在司法实践中已成为“通例”,学界也无异议。It has become such a ruling "practice" that even academia has no objection.

但是,似乎是世界通例,这些评论人士认识都没弄清楚问题的根源所在。But almost universally, these commentators obscure the source of the problem.

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“非常抱歉把你吵起来,华生,”他说道,“不过,吵醒他人是今天早晨的通例。"Very sorry to knock you up, Watson, " said he, "but it's the common lot this morning.

1995年比亚迪建立之初首要从事干电池出产,2005年起头打造通例型汽车。BYD started out as a battery maker in 1995, and began making conventional cars in 2005.

在限权条款中规定公正补偿原则是民主宪政国家的通例。Almost every democratic constitutional country formulates the principle of just compensation.

检察机关是公共利益的代表,由其担当公益诉讼的主体,对侵害公共利益的违法行为进行诉讼,是各国的通例。Procuratorial organs, as the deputy of Public interest, act as the main body of public interest litigation.

在一个通例等于真谛的世界,一个充满着隐蔽的地方,一个男人,必需在保持崇奉和说出本相之间,做出挑选。In a world of rituals, in a place of secrets, a man must choose between keeping the faith and exposing the truth.

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对影视节目中的内容、传播渠道和传播对象实施相应的控制,是各国的通例。It is a general rule for many countries to regulate the content, medium and audiences of the TV and Move Programs.

独创性作为作品的必备要件和属性,已成为世界各国著作权立法的通例。Originality as the necessary element and attribute of copyrighted works is a general rule in all country's copyright law.

人民的住宅,通例是砖建的,齐整坚固,大多数是二层或三层楼。People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two-storeyed or three-storeyed buildings.

按我国的划定和国际通例,假币应予没收,请您配合。According to Chinese regulation can international practice , forged notes must be confiscated. I hope you can cooperate with us.

人民的住宅,通例是砖建的,齐整坚固,大多数是二层或三层楼。People houses are as a rule built of bricks, neat and strong. Most of them are either two- storeyed or three- storeyed buildings.

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因为这是我们之间进行的第一笔生意,我很但愿能够遵循通例,也就是说,用即期信用证付款。As this is the first deal between us, I hope we can trade on customary terms, i. e. , letter of credit payable against sight draft.

詹姆斯成为通例赛最有代价球员,是骑士队向来夺得此荣誉的最年轻球员。James became the regular season most valuable player, is the Cleveland Cavaliers won this honor has always been the youngest player.

冲突钻石是西非的通用货币,又叫“血钻”,因为它们通例手机电影。会带来流血事件。Conflict diamonds are a mon currency in West Africa. Also referrde to as blood diamonds, since bloodshed is what they generally finance.

依据通例,资产和费用的增添被记为借项,而负债、资本和收入的增长被记为贷项。By convention , assets and expense increases are recorded as debits while liability, capital and income increases are recorded as credits.

同时,从大陆法系国家的立法经验来看,将调整对象写进民法典亦非通例,以期达到法典在形式上的完美和及时对社会变迁的回应。The legislative experiences of the continental law system make sure that, for code perfection in norm and timely reactions to social changes.

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债权转让制度自古罗马帝政时期开始形成以来,目前已发展成为两大法系的民事立法通例。The system of assignment of credit has developed into a general rule in the civil legislation of two legal systems since the monarchy of Ancient Rome came into being.

在合同缔结中,法律强制将当事人事实陈述与保证纳入合同条款,成为目前国际法律实践中的重要通例。The position of the offer in current legal system of our country has learn much from the international theoretical experience, but it needed to be clarified and improved.

立法禁止危害国家安全和统一的犯罪行为是包括美国在内的世界各国刑事立法的通例。To prohibit criminal acts harming national security and unity through legislation is a common practice in criminal legislation in all countries, including the United States.