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梅金挖苦道,“那我们还是骑着扫把回家吧。”We get on these broomsticks and ride home.

爸爸的头发像扫把,根根直立往上插。My Papas hair is like a broom, all up in the air.

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这些扫把仍不停地把水提进城堡里。The brooms were still bringing water into the castle.

他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。They usually wear pointed hatsand fly around on broomsticks.

相信小朋友们一定不会忘记这个在空中骑扫把的小女巫吧!It´s a wild ride on a broomstick that kids won´t soon forget!

他们通常戴着尖顶的帽子,骑在扫把上飞来飞去。They usually wear pointed hats and fly around on broomsticks.

我的回答是关掉关掉电脑,并且给孩子一个粑子或者扫把。My answer is to shut off the PC and give the child a rake or a broom.

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你能不能拿支扫把,帮老太太屋前的雪扫一扫?Could you take a broom to sweep the snow in front of her house for her?

小男孩和女孩,你们能一起来骑在扫把上飞嘛?Little Boys and Girls, Will You Come and Ride with Me on My Broomstick?

披头士狂那扫把一样的发型和响亮的原生态摇滚吓着了我。Beatlemania shocked me—the moppy hairstyles and the loud, raw rock 'n' roll.

我宁愿把这扫把扔掉也不要将它以这么便宜的价格卖给你。I would rather throw this broom away than sell it to you in such a low price.

我们冷静下来,然后我们用一支扫把、一支拖把和一只水桶来打扫房间。We calmed down and then we cleaned the room with a broom, a mop and a bucket.

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“太好了!”梅金挖苦道,“那我们还是骑着扫把回家吧。”“Great!” Megan said sarcastically. “We get on these broomsticks and ride home.”

接着小伙子带扫把下楼梯,走到水井边,教它如何打水。The boy took the broom down the steps to the well. He showed it how to get water.

“太好了!”梅金挖苦道,“那我们还是骑着扫把回家吧。”"Great! " Megan said sarcastically. "We get on these broomsticks and ride home. "

小松鼠很难过,所以他把一根扫把绑在背后,当做是尾巴。The squirrel was sad, so he took a broom and tied it to his back to use as a tail.

所以新年来临的前一天,要把扫把和簸箕藏起来,免得好运被扫走了。All brooms and dustpans are put away on New Year's Eve, so good luck cannot be swept away.

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工人们带著扫把快速的走到台上,把剪下来的一堆一堆的头发扫掉。Laborers moved quickly to the stage with brooms and swept away the mounds of discarded hair.

如果当时我们没有死盯着扫把,我们就可以直接和麦丽金夫人一块走了!If you people hadn’t been staring at the brooms, we could have gotten out with Mrs. McKinley!

她没有把话说完,因为这时她正弯下腰去,拿著扫把在床底下弄拨。She did not finish, for by this time she was bending down and pushing the sweeping-brush under the bed.