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这出拙劣的悲剧在这里一直演到终场。Here the squalid tragedy was played out.

终场前19分钟,安德森把比分改写为3比1。And 19 minutes from the end, Anderson made it 3-1.

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在终场哨响之后,这种彼此之间的爱与怀念仍在继续。And the mutual love-in continued after the final whistle.

比赛离终场还有五分钟时,双方比分为五比零。The score was five- nil with five minute left in the game.

尽管如此,终场前3分钟,马刺还是被国王逼成93平。That said, it was still tied at 93 with three minutes left.

年轻的卡娅西蒙替补上场后攻入一个戏剧般的终场前入球。Simon came off the bench to dramatically hit a stoppage-time winner.

决定性的时刻在终场前五分钟来临。The deciding moment came five minutes from time when Derlei found the net.

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终场前,南非队击中门柱,错失了绝杀对手的黄金机会。SA hit the post in a golden opportunity to win the match just before the whistle.

最精彩的篮球比赛常以终场前最后几秒的致命一击告终。The best basketball games come down to one shot in the final seconds of the game.

年轻的卡娅西蒙替补上场后攻入一个戏剧般的终场前入球。Teenager Kyah Simon came off the bench to dramatically hit a stoppage-time winner.

但是这位27岁的球员在终场哨响后很快赞扬了整个球队。But the 27-year-old was quick to praise the rest of the team after the final whistle.

本场比赛中,双方攻势不断,胜负的悬念一直保持到终场哨响。Wave after wave of pulsating attacks had both sides hanging on in an end-to-end second half.

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此役芬兰坐阵主场迎战丹麦,终场前11分钟场上比分仍为0-0时他替补上场。He came on 11 minutes from the end of normal time with the score 0-0 as Finland hosted Denmark.

股市则温和上升,道琼工业指数终场收高60点至12,362点.Stocks made modest gains and the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed 60 points higher at 12,362.

而终场哨吹响的时候内维尔和布朗也挂了。By the time the final whistle sounded, Gary Neville and Wes Brown had joined the walking wounded.

终有那么一天他们会吹起终场的哨声,降下最后的帷幕,听起来就像是最后的警告一样。One day they will blow the final whistle, drop the final curtain, sound the last alarm. And then?

中场托马斯·林孔在上周日四分之一决赛对阵智利的比赛终场前被罚下。Midfielder Tomas Rincon was sent off right at the end of Sunday's quarter-final victory over Chile.

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终场哨声一响,所有阿兹特克的观众都涌向球场,向这位上帝表达他们的敬意。Following the final whistle the Azteca crowd spilled on to the pitch to pay homage to football's gods.

九月的最后一天,叶落还未敲定终场,金秋的十月已经到来。September's last day of the leaves were gone not yet finalized at an end, autumn has arrived in October.

终场哨声响起,他们从很远的地方向父母鼓掌,就像梅西和他的队友向球迷做的那样。At the final whistle they applaud their parents from a distance, much like Messi and Co do to supporters.