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我跟一副金马掌住在一起。I lived with golden horseshoes.

我得给马钉马掌去。I've to have my horse horseshoed.

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把这根铁条锻造成马掌。Forge the iron bar into a horseshoe.

所有的损失都是因为少了一个马掌钉。All losses because of a horseshoe nail.

铁匠正在打造马掌。The blacksmith is forging the horseshoe.

那匹马现在钉着金马掌。That horse is now wearing golden horseshoes.

这个铁匠打马掌的手艺很高。The smith forges horseshoes with great skill.

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它需要刷毛了,一只马掌松了。She needs to be brushed and one shoe is loose.

我也想要一副像这匹马那样的金马掌。I want to have golden horseshoes like the horse has.

但是你知道马为什么能得到金马掌吗?But do you know how the horse got the golden horseshoes?

铁匠用一块烧红的金属敲制成一个马掌。The blacksmith hammered a horseshoe from the red-hot metal.

这匹马是因为把我驮在马背上才赢得金马掌的。This horse won the golden horseshoes to take me on his back.

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修理这些马掌是六个铁匠的活。Keeping these shoes in good repair is the job of six blacksmiths.

长着尖脸的小个子马掌匠最爱和屠户过不去。The farrier, a small man with a sharp face, always enjoyed disagreeing with the butcher.

因为他的个子实在太矮,铁匠必须站在凳子上才能给骑士的战马钉马掌。He was so short that he needed a stool to stand on to shoe the great steeds of the knights.

没有什么东西是奥斯塔普做不来的——从马掌到铁钉,以及牛车上的轮轴。There was nothing Ostap wasn't good at making—he made horseshoes and nails, and axles for the ox-carts.

是的,它是一匹漂亮的马。他将修理那个松掉的马掌,给它刷毛,时不时地给它吃点儿糖。Yes, she was a beautiful horse. He would fix the loose shoe, brush her, and give her a taste of sugar now and then.

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打电话叫钉马掌师在比赛前十天或两星期前钉马掌,以便马有时间适应新马掌。Call the farrier and have your horse shod about ten days to two week before the show so that he will have time to adjust to his shoes.

卢浮宫形如一个巨大的马掌,它是欧洲最长的建筑,其长度比三个平放的对接起来的埃菲尔铁塔都要长。Shaped like an enormous horseshoe, the Louvre was the longest building in Europe, stretching farther than three Eiffel Towers laid end to end.

不久,查理和对方交上了火,大战中忽然一只马掌掉了,国王被战马掀在地上,亨利俘虏了查理。Soon, Charlie and the other hand in the fire, and war all of a sudden lost a horseshoe, horse lift King was on the ground, Charles Henry captured.