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我重病缠身。am very ill.

我重病缠身。I am very ill.

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他债务缠身。He is embarrassed by debts.

喜欢瘫痪和病魔缠身的题材?Prefer paralysis and disease?

他因癌症缠身而日见衰弱无力。He seems to be dying from cancer.

羞怯的玫瑰刺儿缠身。The modest Rose puts forth a thorn.

这位老太太连续病痛缠身。The old lady is never free from paining.

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他在法国公务缠身,还得待很久。His affairs in France keep him long overdue.

她一直重病缠身。She has been afflicted with a serious illness.

胡拒绝透露这所债务缠身学校的名称。Hu declined to name the debt-ridden university.

因为它总是缺钱花,又总是债务缠身。Because it's always out of cash and always in debt.

麻烦缠身的星巴克幡然醒悟,着意提高咖啡品质The troubled company wakes up and smells the coffee

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一些特克斯可能很难当陌生人缠身。Some Tekes may be difficult when ridden by strangers.

他从来没什么大病,但他总认为自己重病缠身。He was never terribly sick, but he always thought he was.

我认识的一个男人是个麻烦缠身的人,他正值中年,经历着婚变。A man I know is a troubled soul. Mid-life, he had a breakdown.

这个丑闻缠身的国会议员成了他所在政党的累赘。The scandal-ridden congressman has become a drag on his party.

你一手将它们全毁了,我诅咒你睡不着觉,夜夜梦魇缠身You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it

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我现在是家务缠身啦,有了两个孩子啦,塘思现在可。I'm domesticated now. Two children. And Don is putting on weight.

内马尔还被有关逃税的指控缠身。Neymar has also been dogged by allegations related to tax evasion.

由于疾病缠身,卧床不起,她深深感到力不从心。Too ill to get out of bed, she had strong feelings of uselessness.