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自由并非特许证。Liberty is not licence.

他取消我们的许多特许状。For taking away our Charters.

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他购买了一家特许谋划店。He has bought a hot dog franchise.

关于特许人的效益。On the benefits to the Franchisor.

1837年给学校颁发了王室特许状。Royal Charter was granted in 1837.

一项人事发展特许协会的早期研究。An earlier piece of research by the CIPD.

我不信我会滥用这种特许。I doubt if I should abuse the permission.

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如何获得卡乐咪特许加盟信息?Where get Color-Me franchise opportunity?

什么是特许人的诉讼历史?What is the franchisor's litigation history?

新的特许经营权是一种外部的支出费用。The new franchise was an external expenditure.

现在他在特许零售方面进行投资。Today he invests in retail franchise concepts.

特许经营权授权方是否提供融资?。Does the franchisor offer any form of financing?

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该市镇多年前已获得特许状。A charter was granted to the town many years ago.

在较富有的特许学校和,so, inequality between the wealthier charter schools

进入美国的灵魂深处进行一次特许的旅游。to a privileged tour into the inner soul of America.

你得不到特许证就不能使用这些文件。You can't use these files without obtaining a release.

你得不到特许证就不能使用这些档案。You can't use these files without obtaining a release.

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特许学校是有争议的,ICEF教育也是一样。Charter schools are controversial, and ICEF is as well.

要找到值得信赖的特许经营权,关键是经验。To find a franchise that's credible, experience is key.

几个小时之后,皇家特许状获得了女王的应允。Hours later the royal charter received the queen's assent.