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尝作墨竹,题诗寄意,并皆佳妙。Taste for bamboo, a poem to express his and all Jiamiao.

欲知松老看尘壁,死却题诗几许人。For more information see the dust loose old walls, and death poem dash of people.

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从他的诗作、特别是其画上的题诗,我们可以感受到他虽出家为僧,但对于生活仍有极其深厚的感情。His poems, especially those in his paintings, impress us with his profound attachment to life, though he was a monk.

昔日尘心若水,再也无法回到那如莲花初绽时的宁静,题诗赞花,赋词吟曲。The dust heart like water, can not go back to the lotus began a quiet, the poem like flowers, give words to sing a song.

还有件事儿,我那春容画像,题诗在上,外人看了不雅。I remember something, Spring Fragrance. That portrait I painted has a verse on it which is not for the eyes of strangers.

唐五代“红叶题诗”小说自它产生之日起便盛传不衰。The novels written by "Poems on Red Leaf" in the Tang & Five Dynasties have long enjoyed popularity since their emergence.

红叶题诗、御沟流水,承载的不仅仅是那一片片树叶,更是宫女们渴望获得自身拯救的宣言和呐喊。Hongye poem, water, carrying the leaves are not the only movie that is looking for ladies who to save their own declarations and cry.

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戴渠享被请去题诗,在落款处时,大家才知道戴渠享是当朝大官,于是他们匆忙敬礼。Dai was asked to write a poem and when Dai Quxiang inscribed his name behind the poem, everyone realized he was just the government leader.

后世诗歌交往的一些形式如唱和诗、同题诗、联句等开始萌芽、孕育。Later, some forms of communication poems such as the serial versifying, the same topic poems, joint poem sentences were in bud and blossom.

在画上题诗,至少说明了一点,画里面的诗意有用文字表达的必要。With inscriptions on Chinese paintings, the belief at least becomes manifest, that the poetic meaning of a painting needs some verbal explication.

众人来到亭园,见有两句题诗,两句的第叁个字皆从缺,他们邀请叁位夫人玩填字游戏。See the people came to the garden, there are two other sense, of the first two sentences are from the lack of a word, they invited three ladies play crossword puzzle.

正是由于“红叶题诗”的独特魅力,与其与关的文本流传的很多,对后来的小说、戏曲及其他方面的创作都有着很大影响。It is precisely because "leaves poem" unique charm, with its related text and a lot of spread of the subsequent novels, operas and other works have a significant impact.

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百年前荷塘上莲花怒放引发清朝皇帝们题诗作画,而如今这些美景又等着谁青睐的目光呢?Hundreds of years ago, the beauty of the nature, the blooming lotus inspired the Qing Dynasty kings to write poems and painting on canvas. Whom do they attract now?Whom do they inspire?

就算是不乱歪诗,仅仅是经常有客人乱在墙上题诗,酒店高档食肆餐厅也承担不起如此捣乱。Even hotels couldn't bear poems with no political attack government today, because of high quality decoration of dinning rooms would be damaged by any guest's painting on the walls around.

瓷与诗是两种别具中国特质的文化产物,唐代长沙窑开创的器表题诗艺术形成了一种别具特色的“瓷诗文化”。Porcelain and poetry are two characteristic Chinese cultural products. Porcelain surface poetry art originated in Changsha Kiln in Tang dynasty started the distinct porcelain poetry culture.