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器形仅见筒形罐。Tube-shaped pot is only type of pottery.

对照组各时间段仅见少量萎缩的腺泡细胞。Few atrophic acinar cells was observed in control group.

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这是第一次他们所有人平生仅见的小王。It was the first time any of them had ever seen a joker.

园东北部的二层半重檐楼阁,为苏州园林所仅见。Park northeast of the two-story semi-Zhongyan pavilions , gardens in Suzhou by only see.

有一次是暴风骤雨,猛烈的程度实为我平生所仅见。这场暴风雨遮住了我的目标。One time there was a violent thunderstorm, the worst I had ever seen, which obscured my objective.

仅1例患者在慢性期行MR检查时仅见中脑-间脑接合处单独受累,提示为后遗症。In a single case, studied in the chronic stage, the MDJ lesion was isolated, suggestive of a sequela.

几项估计指出,整体而言,浮冰减少的幅度,为百年或上百年来仅见。Over all, the floating ice dwindled to an extent unparalleled in a century or more, by several estimates.

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苏.欧格拉蒂打算在这趟历来仅见的路程中,花光自己每一分积蓄,约克夏邮报报导。Sue O'Grady plans to blow every last penny she owns on the road trip of all time, reports the Yorkshire Post.

超声显示9例肝内侧支血管存在,而肝外的侧支血管仅见2例。Sonography showed intrahepatic collateral vessls in 9 patients and extrahepatic collateral vessls in 2 patients.

治疗副作用仅见短暂的局部烧灼痛、低热、一过性转氨酶轻度升高。The side effects of this procedure were transient local burning pain, low fever and mild elevation of transaminase.

口腔粘膜斑大都不显,可仅见口腔粘膜粗糙、充血。Spot of oral cavity mucous membrane is not shown mostly, can see oral cavity mucous membrane only coarse, hyperaemia.

而平阳霉素组血管外组织无明显变化,仅见血管内、外壁增厚。But in Pingyangmycin's group, only the wall of vascular became thickening and the tissues outside vascular are normal.

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所著录的条目内容绝大多数为佛教题材,仅见一幅历日十二生肖图。The bibliographic entries in the content of the vast majority of the Buddhist theme, only to see a calendar day zodiac map.

俄勒冈州采取了美国境内仅见的一项措施,准许医生开致命药立给病入膏肓的病人。Oregon adopted the only measure, in the U. S. to allow doctors to prescribe lethal doses of medication to terminally-ill patients.

中药组病变明显减少,仅见少数以淋巴细胞浸润为主的炎性病灶。The pathological changes of myocardial of S group significantly reduced, which only showed few inflammatory lesions with lymphocytes.

其中甬道西壁绘制的烙饼图色彩艳丽,为郑州宋墓仅见。The picture of baking cake painted in the west wall of corridor in the tomb was the first discovered in the Song tombs of Zhengzhou area.

巩县石窟寺双面人像,题材新颖,造型独特,为全国各石窟雕刻中所仅见。The two-faced figure images in the cave temples of Gongxian represented fresh and unique material that only appears at these caves in China.

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对实验牛心血管系统、呼吸系统,肝肾系统和血液指标监测,仅见心率减慢、轻度酸碱平衡紊乱以及ECG的P—R间期延长,其他指标均无明显变化。In monitor of the chief systems of experimental cattle, only bradycadia, mild imbalance of acid-base and prolonged P-R interval of ECG were found.

较高浓度的阿苯达唑和甲苯达唑无杀虫作用,仅见口吸盘兴奋。Higher concentrations of albendazole and mebendazole exhibit no killing effect on C. sinensis, besides stimulating the motor activity of worm oral sucker.

术后杂音消失或明显减轻,7例分流完全阻断,2例仅见小量残余分流。The heart murmurs disappeared or became faint after the implantation. In 7 cases, shunts were completely stoped and residual shunts were found in 2 cases.