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这里山清水秀,景色优美。Forest-clad mountains and limpid streams complete the scene here.

首先,因为那里的空气非常好,山清水秀。First of all, the air there is very good, with picturesque scenery.

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这里山清水秀,宛然桂林风光。The scenery here has great charm, reminding one of the land of Guilin.

我很喜欢河源,河源山清水秀,空气也很好,很清晰。I like Heyuan, Heyuan beautiful, the air is also very good, very clear.

驰名中外的旅游胜地北戴河,山清水秀,风光旖旎。World renowned tourist resort in Beidaihe, a beautiful, beautiful scenery.

是一个历史渊深、古建蕴积、山清水秀的千年古村落。Is a history of deep, ancientyun ji , a beautiful ancient village millennium.

该研究院在山清水秀的密云县建有基地。This institute has a Health Base in the MiYun County, it is a wonderful place.

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公司厂址坐落于山清水秀的安溪海拨第二高峰佛耳山下。Company site is located in the beautiful sea level, the second peak in Anxi ear foot Buddha.

祖国呀,我怎样才能尽我的力量帮助你呢?让你永远山清水秀,白云缭绕?How can I try my best to help you, my motherland? I wish you have beautiful landscape forever.

古时候,有一个女皇,她统治的国家山清水秀,十分美丽。In the ancient times, a queen ruled a beautiful country with green mountains and clear waters.

被誉为“北海道明珠”的洞爷湖,群山环绕,山清水秀。Toyako, known as the pearl of Hokkaido, is surrounded by mountains and has picturesque scenery.

漓江山清水秀,是世界上规模最大、风景最美的岩溶山水游览区。Beautiful Lijiang River, is the world's largest and most beautiful karst landscape scenic resort.

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百花林水库区内的大佛岭、木棉山上百花盛开,山清水秀。Pak Fa Lam Reservoir area of the Buddha Ling, kapok flowers blooming in the mountains, beautiful.

“山清水秀,空气新鲜”曾经是农村人最自豪的,现在这一切即将成为历史。Once fresh air, clean waters and green mountains of which rural folks were proud are as dead as dodos.

我的家住在前河,那里群山环绕,山清水秀,风光秀丽,景色迷人。I lived in the former River, where the mountains and surrounded by a beautiful, beautiful, charming scenery.

下梅村下梅村位于福建省武夷山,因处梅溪下游而得名,小村子不大,山清水秀。Xiamei village Locating in the Wuyi city, Fujian province, Xiamei village is small but has beautiful landscapes.

山清水秀的神秘大瑶山养育出的瑶族女子也是充满着乡间的纯朴美丽。The Yao girls have pure and natural beauty who grow up in the picturesque scenery of Yao mountains and Yao villages.

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山清水秀的海南岛,有如一颗璀璨的明珠,镶嵌在浩瀚的南海上。Davao Islands of the mountain clear water show, a like bright bright pearl, insets at extensive of south china sea up.

被誉为“绿都”的福建省三明市,山清水秀,生态优良,是全国集体林区改革试验区。Sanming with the reputation of 'green city' is the test area of the national reform on forestry property right system.

这个远离城市的小村庄山清水秀,满目葱郁,呼吸间尽是新鲜的青草气息。The city's small villages far away from a beautiful, lush everywhere, to breathe between the grass is full of fresh air.