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要搜集到足够的实据,这样才能够评估机会的好坏。Gather enough facts so you can qualify the opportunity.

实据性体现了语言的人际功能。Evidentiality performs interpersonal functions in language use.

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要先掌握实据才可以进行公开指责。One must be sure of one's facts before making a public accusation.

另外,对存在实据的妈祖早期其他七个封号,亦皆予以查证。As to the other seven early titles of Mazu, we also do textual eriticism.

实据性的选择与新闻传播的目的息息相关。The choices of evidentials are determined by the reporters' communicative intention.

依此实据观来,上帝似已选中我,做为与城邦等齐的人。Just so in fact the god seems to me to have set me upon the city as someone of this sort.

他疑惑到底莫哈末阿里是以什么实据为准则,而列出有关的胜算选政党排名。He is puzzled on how Ali Rustam managed to speculate the chances of winning of each party.

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虽有好些人来作假见证,总得不着实据。末后有两个人前来说But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two came forward

虽有好些人来作假见证,总得不�实据。末后有两个人前来,说。But they did not find any, though many false witnesses came forward. Finally two came forward.

人都是指著比自己大的起誓,并且以起誓为实据,了结各样的争论。For people swear by something greater than themselves, and in all their disputes an oath is final for confirmation.

反映作者介入以及介入度的实据性策略能预测英语学术书评的性质和类型。ES that reflects the review author's involvement and the degree of involvement can predict the quality and type of EABR.

本文旨在对中文报纸中娱乐新闻语境下的实据性词进行研究。这是一个比较新的领域。The present thesis focuses on the study of evidentiality in entertainment news in a Chinese context which is a rather new area to be dealt with.

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语言的实据性是指说话人对所述命题的信息来源及信息认知状态的编码。Evidentiality is a linguistic representation of the speaker's epistemological encoding of the source and the reliability of information or knowledge.

有形性或有形实据能加深和帮助顾客对服务机构其他4个层面的质量感知。Tangible or tangible substantial evidence can be deepened by and helps the mass perception that the customer 4 face other tier to serving organization.

实据原因句同逻辑原因句在语义、结构、句法功能等方面,都有着明显的不同。These two kinds of different causal clauses introduce respectively two kinds of causals, which are called here logical causal and evidential causal respectively.

一样为期18个月的咨询活动正在进行之中,以探讨这个机构如何收集科学实据,以确定危害物种的因素并提出限制和逆转物种灭绝的方案和措施。An 18-month consultation is under way to agree how the body will accumulate scientific evidence, identify causes of damage and recommend ways to limit or reverse them.

这些章节主要涉及的是文章的理论与实践背景、文献的系统回顾与评论,以及噪声交易存在的实据证据。We introduce the theoretical and practical background, review the related literature systematically, and find the empirical evidence of the existence of noise trading.

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实据性作为表达话语信息来源和说话者态度的语法范畴在语言学界受到广泛关注。Evidentiality has been extensively studied in linguistics for its function in coding the source of knowledge or for expressing the speaker's attitude towards knowledge.

研究结果表明实据性词作为句子中一个独立的部分是很重要,不可或缺的。The findings obtained from the present study positively manifest the importance of evidentiality as a separate part, indicating reliability of information in utterances.

本文运用基于信息界域理论和顺应理论的理论框架来分析广告语篇中的实据性。This paper investigates the utilization of evidential forms in advertisement by employing the Theory of Territory of Information and Adaptation Theory as theoretical frameworks.