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大多数的昆虫都有六只脚。Most bugs have six legs.

蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫。Ants and flies are insects.

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那些昆虫能变颜色。These insects can change color.

整晚昆虫咬得痒痒的。The i ects bite itched all night.

那只昆虫抖动它的触角。The insect quivered its antennae.

稼的昆虫是害虫。Insects which eat crops are pests.

整晚昆虫咬得痒痒的。The insects bite itched all night.

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一些昆虫在冬季蛰伏。Some insects slumber in the winter.

许多昆虫以十字花科植物为寄主。Many insects use crucifers as hosts.

这药膏对于昆虫蜇伤有效。Thee cream is good for insect bites.

他举出苍蝇作为肮脏昆虫的例子。He instanced the fly as dirty insect.

她将昆虫从脸上弹掉。She flipped the insect from her face.

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这昆虫紧紧抓住猎物不放。The insect anchored fast to its prey.

亮光招引了很多昆虫。The light attracted a lot of insects.

鸭嘴兽主要以吃昆虫为生。The platypus lives mainly on insects.

暂且称之为昆虫式的性前戏吧。Call it the insect version of foreplay.

蜘蛛能用蜘蛛网抓住昆虫。The spider can catch insects by cobweb.

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然后你吃它们,它们是昆虫。Then you eat them. The insects that is.

这些昆虫生长得比那些细菌还快。These insects can outwear the bacteria.

昆虫是蛋白质的完美来源。They are the perfect source of protein.