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但是泰因为艾伦与赛昂通敌而杀了她!And he had killed her for collaborating with the Cylons!

这一具有重大象征意义的事件结束了法国傀儡政府和纳粹当局通敌协作的四年。It was a hugely symbolic event after four years of collaboration with the Nazis.

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你扮演美军巡逻队,要深入丛林里寻找越共通敌者。You play as an American patrol which has to go into Vietnamese villages looking for Vietcong sympathisers.

与以色列通敌的人中,有一位是哈马斯国会议员,有谣言称他们已经被捕,这一说法使得加沙地区人民的紧张情绪有所缓解。Rumours of a round-up of collaborators with Israel, including a Hamas member of parliament, keep Gazans edgily in check.

杨继盛是中国明朝晚期的一位官员,因为毕生致力于与腐败官员斗争而被判通敌罪,并处以死刑。Yang Jisheng was a late-Ming dynasty official who was executed for treason during his lifetime for opposing corrupt officials.

可是,肖尼族人解围而去后,布恩被控通敌,因为他和肖尼族人一起过了几个月,而且生活似乎颇为愉快。However, after the siege, Boone was charged with treason since he had apparently lived quite happily among the Shawnees for months.

杨继盛是中国明朝晚期的一位官员,因为毕生致力于与腐败官员斗争而被判通敌罪,并处以死刑。Hammond. Yang Jisheng was a late-Ming dynasty official who was executed for treason during his lifetime for opposing corrupt officials.

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其称由纽约福特基金会提供给天则经济研究所的基金就是他和外国人通敌的证据。It says funding given to Unirule by the Ford Foundation, based in New York, is evidence of “collusion” with foreigners in his alleged crimes.

战时上海的通敌与锄奸活动,是极为复杂的历史事件,相信魏教授的深刻阐述,一定会为我们重新认识汉奸问题带来有益的启示。It is sure that we would be greatly enlightened by his statement on collaborationism and anti-espionage activities in Shanghai during the war.

Tuszynska从来都不认识Gran,直至在巴黎的时候,波兰犹太人告诉了他这个“通敌卖国”的歌手也在这片土地上。Tuszynska had never heard of Gran before Polish Jews in Paris told her about the singer—sometimes, the “collaborationist” singer—living in their midst.

第二次世界大战期间,他一直生活在比利时,他被指控犯有通敌罪,之后又立即被宣告无罪,结果他被放逐了一段时间。He stayed in Belgium through World War Two and was accused and cleared of collaboration immediately afterwards, although he suffered a period of being ostracised as a result.

他的工作职责就是保证只有那些忠于共和国的公民才能进入首都,而那些涉嫌通敌的人必须被关入监牢或驱逐出境。The responsibility of his office is to ensure that only those citizens loyal to the Republic gain entry to the capitol and those who are suspected for treason are imprisoned or deported.