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欢迎贤才人士加入!Welcome the talent public figure to join!

对中医有志贤才,须提交申请、单位介绍及相关证明材料。Talents of TCM Are required to submit their applications and related units on proof.

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百花齐放,用人唯贤才是晚会的宗旨。Letting a hundred flowers bloom, meritocratic purpose of the event is more capable personnel.

我们能让它持续成长——广布知识,广纳贤才。We can keep it growing – spreading knowledge everywhere, and inviting participation from everyone.

公司坚持以人为本的指导思想,博纳贤才。The company adheres to the principle of individual-oriented ideas and is trying to recruit the talents.

广纳贤才,注重培养,提供发展空间,建立发展平台。Attract talented people widely and help them grow on a well-grounded platform with lifelong training foresight.

好在现在关于科技公司创始人是否应另选贤才就任CEO的话题又重新热了起来。But thankfully, the conversation over whether a technology company's founder should be the CEO is back on the table.

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科举制也是被作者称为“贤才主义”的新型贵族制的体制化。Imperial examination system also was author known as "Xiancai doctrine" of the new aristocracy of the institutionalized.

我们以人才为根本,渴求并广聚有激情、有责任、有能力、有业绩的全球贤才,使人尽其才,人才辈出。As a talent-based company, we aspire to attract passionate, responsible, competent professional and make best use of their knowledge and skills.

当今,全球已打响人才争夺战,大力培育、广招、重用国内外贤才,是政府工作的重中之重。Nowadays the whole world is scrambling for talents. It is the most important task for the government to cultivate, recruit talents and put them in key positions.

这些使公司不仅拥有良好的企业声誉,而且还把人才看作是最宝贵的财富和成长的真正动力之源,广纳贤才。These enable the company not only has a good reputation, but also puts talent as the most valuable asset and growth of the real source of power, recruit more capable.

诸位大德奉献身心,从事人生社会最伟大的工作,最有意义、最有价值的工作,为社会作育贤才。You have made such contributions to this greatest task in human life and society. It is most meaningful and valuable for society to nurture capable and virtuous youth.

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更为严重的是“老板”自以为是,排斥贤才,重用庸人,管理混乱,导致项目开发和企业经营的全面失败。Even more serious is the "bosses" opinionated, exclusion regard, trusted deadhead , chaotic management, leading to a comprehensive project development and business failure.

公司依托当地大型玻璃集团的技术优势,坚持以人为本,广聚贤才。The company relies on technical superiority of local large groups of glass industry , adheres to intelligent first and attracts prominent talents from all over the country.

公司以“以人为本”、“人才是企业的核心竞争力”的人才战略方针,重视人才队伍建设,广纳贤才。The HR strategy is people-oriented and we believe that talented personnel are the core competition of a company, who emphasizes on team establishment and recruitment of talents.

公司非常注重员工职业道德,专业技能、品质意识培训,使员工和企业一起成长,广纳贤才。We always make a point of the employee's occupation morals, profession technical ability and the employee's quality trains consciously, from but make employee growing up with company together.