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孔位精度高,互换性好。Hole location is of high precision.

那么计时时我要达到怎样的精度?How accurate should I do the timing?

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多普勒法测量精度不高。Doppler measurement accuracy is not high.

他似神枪手你的精度瞄准。He aimed with accuracy of a sharpshooter.

精度与数量级成反比关系。Accuracy is anticorrelated with magnitude.

这一方法具有精度高、速度快等特点。This method is of high accuracy and speed.

利用迭代法,保证求解的精度。By iterative, the accuracy can be guarantied.

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测量精度为亚微米量级。The measurement accuracy was sub-micron grade.

步进电机保证上下移动的精度。Secure of up-down prepping used stepping motor.

捻线范围广,精度高。The twisting range is extensive, highly precise.

闪电战不再有精度惩罚。Axis Blitzkrieg no longer gives accuracy penalty.

有很高的精度和精度保持性。It have high accuracy and precision of retention.

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步进电机驱动,自动计长,精度高。Step motor , automatic counting , high precision.

同时得出了面积测量精度可超过1/497。At the same time the precision can reach 1 to 497.

结构紧凑,精度变速钻孔机。Compact, accuracy variable speed drilling machine.

霓虹灯不支持双精度运算。NEON does not support double-precision operations.

该方法设计简单,制作方便,且精样板精度高,实用性强。The shell's sample plate is accurate and practical.

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精度,广泛有用的工业钻孔机。Accuracy, widely useful industrial drilling machine.

经优洛麦克冲压精度试验。Tested with EUROMAC standard punching accuracy test.

2比特的浮点型数据精度更大。So, a 32 bit of float gives you a bunch of precision.