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黄铜棒被用作把柄。Brasss rod was used for the handles.

另外,必须拿到控制常福的把柄。In addition, must get control Chang Fu.

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斐格里奥利亚说,“我们根本掌握了他的把柄。”"We simply got the goods on him, " Figliolia said.

肘子为猪腿,腿犹如把柄,故称肘子。Elbow for the leg of pork, legs like a handle, so that elbows.

我们戴的耳环给了我们一个很好的把柄,可以用来揪彼此的耳朵。The earrings gave us a good handle to pull each other's ears with.

那些警察之所以经常去敲他的竹杠是因为抓住把柄了。The policemen kept blackmailing him, because they had sth. on him.

也用于其他应用例如挂衣架和把柄。It is also used in other applications such as coat hangers and handles.

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移动您的滑鼠在把柄直到游标把变成一个双重朝向的箭头。Move your mouse over a handle until the cursor turns into a double-headed arrow.

有时拍柄上所缠把柄胶的重量会使球拍平衡点的移动。Hold your finger out straight and place the shaft of the racket on to the finger.

这个狡猾的黑社会头目因抓不到指控他的好把柄而只好以捏造的罪名受审。Mafia leader had to be tried on a trumped- up charge, for lack of anything better.

那把泥铲现在就在我的手上,尽管许多年来把柄松了。The same trowel rests in my hand now, though the handle has loosened over the years.

并且与它的可折叠把柄,您能容易地运载在横拍的三脚架。And with its folding handle, you can easily carry the tripod in a horizontal position.

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如果他们在这上面抓住了把柄,他们就差的不远了,而且也不会在待料未付订货的问题上失手。If they had a handle on it, they would not be so far behind and drowning in backorders.

他带着一种几乎是超自然的谨慎,旋转门把柄,随着低微的嘎吱声,门开了一条缝。With an almost occult carefulness he turned the door handle, and opened the door an inch.

老天啊,你为什么要告诉我你的身世,给我一个把柄,让我更加瞧不起你呢?Heaven, why did you give me a handle for despising you more by informing me of your descent!

它有与优美的把柄和熔铸铝节流阀端盖的一件优质不锈钢寿衣。It has a high-quality stainless steel shroud with polished handle and cast-aluminum end caps.

淡出允许弓取决于因而允许弓稍微弯曲在把柄。The fadeout allows the bow to hinge thus allowing the bow to bend a little bit at the handle.

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逆向拇指把柄,一只手就可以将其轻松打开或闭合。All have a reversible thumb knob for one-hand easy opening and spring-loaded lock for closing.

她会不会就此抓住我的把柄然后带回乔恩的话题,进而认定我是虐婴狂?She might catch me with this line and drag it back to the Jon topic and make me a baby-sadist.

霍华德爵士花了前几年的分流一边把柄了经理的破坏了他的改革。Sir Howard spent the first few years shunting aside deadwoodmanagers who sabotaged his reforms.