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即使在他们自己的寝宫里,他们也用笔谈。Even in their own palaces they write to each other.

这里发表的是15位与会学者的笔谈。Collected here are papers of 15 of the participants.

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观察组应用手语、口语、笔谈等与病人交流,对照组按常规护理。Another 20 patients of control group were just given routine nursing care.

国内外学者撰写的本组笔谈,就是一部分相关的阶段性成果。The comments provided by domestic and international scholars are part of the achievements.

于是我们就从她不久前倡议香港艺人接受媒体采访时自带录音笔谈起。So I started the interview from her recent suggestion that when artists being interviewed, they should bring along their own recorder.

观察组应用手语、口语、笔谈等与病人交流,对照组按常规护理。The hand, verbal and written language were used to communicate with patients in experimental group while routine nursing care in control group.

有几位日本朋友,我和他们根本言语不通,只能用汉字笔谈,却也因下棋而成为朋友。I have some Japanese friends, though we can’t talk with each other and only have conversations by writing in Chinese, we became friends by playing go.

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为了进一步推动我国国际关系学科的发展,激发学科的理论意识,本刊就国际关系理论研究组织了一次笔谈。In order to promote the study of international relations and to inspire a theoretical consciousness, we have organized a discussion about the study of international relations.

本期选发的这一组笔谈,也许观点不一,但目的在于就此引发更多的学者,对这类直接关乎人的存在自身的创作和理论问题,展开学理层面上的充分交流和讨论。We hope that the papers of this issue can arouse some communication and discussion of composing and theorizing among scholars concerning the exaltation of human ideal and morality.

本文中“梦溪笔谈”是代表有意记忆的曲径分岔的游历体系、代表记忆片断的天井体系、代表居住功能的房间体系两两叠合的建构体系。In this paper"Dream Stream"means the path system symbolizing conscious memory, courtyard system symbolizing memory part and room system symbolizing living function penetrate each other.