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我同意她的看法。I agree with her.

对此,你的看法是什么?What's you opion.

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你同意我的看法么?Do you agree wih me?

我不同意某人的看法。I don't agree with sb.

他同意我的看法。He assented to my view.

我的看法错了。My opinions were wrong.

你对障碍的看法。Your view of obstacles.

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我不同意他的看法。I do not agree with him.

她对我的看法提出异议。She demurred to my view.

她却有不同的看法。She sees it differently.

鲍勃·鲁普则有第三种看法。Bob Rupp has a third view.

你已探听出他的看法吗?Have you sounded him out ?

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你有何看法,站起来说。What do you say? Stand up.

我倾向于他的看法。My view trends towards his.

刷新博客缓存和看法。Refresh cache and view blog.

但那是外行人的看法That's the layperson's view.

事实否定了他的看法。Facts have refuted his views.

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我仍然持过去的看法。I still hold my former views.

你对目前形势有什么看法?How do you view the situation?

这是我关于友情的看法。Tht is my ide bout friendship.