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我们选择德才兼备的员工。We want to choose employees with both ability and merit.

我们应该按照德才兼备的标准来挑选国家领导人。We should choose state leaders for their talents and virtue.

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这样才能成为一个21世纪德才兼备的好学生。This can become a good student ability and political integrity in the 21st century.

高校是培养德才兼备人才的基地,也是建设和传播先进思想和文化的重要阵地。Colleges are the bases for nurturing all round talents as well as advanced thoughts and cultures.

孔子提出了选拔人才要以德才兼备作为标准,同时他也提出“才难”的观点。Confucius insisted that the virtue and the ability were the criteria when selecting talent people.

党的干部标准就是德才兼备,其内涵有一个动态发展的历程。Virtue and wisdom are the Party staff's standard, its connotation is a dynamic development process.

德才兼备,具有高度的敬业精神、较强的组织管理与协调能力和团队凝聚能力。Having a high degree of professionalism and the strong ability of organizational management and coordination.

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他是个德才兼备的学生,所以很受同学、老师的欢迎。He's a student with excellent morals and academic skills, so he's popular with all his classmates and teachers.

第四,着力加强法治工作队伍建设。全面推进依法治国,建设一支德才兼备的高素质法治队伍至关重要。Fourth, we need to channel our efforts into building a strong contingent of personnel for enforcing the rule of law.

是啊。他是个德才兼备的学生,所以很受同窗、教师的欢送。Yes. He's a student with excellent morals and academic skills, so he's popular with all his classmates and teachers.

要坚持德才兼备原则,选拔政治素质高、经营管理能力强、公正廉洁的优秀人才担任企业领导。It is necessary to adhere to the principle of choosing personnel with both political integrity and professional competence.

主张采取“德才兼备,以德为主”的原则选拔干部。He also claims to select cadres under the principle "combining ability with political integrity, giving priority to morals".

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孔怀包装需要的是德才兼备的人才,这就要求员工首先要真诚的对人对事。KongHuai package needed is ability and political integrity talents, which requires employees to be sincere Duirenduishi first.

要培养一支德才兼备的教师队伍,造就一批杰出的教育家。We will enhance the political integrity and professional competence of teachers and train large numbers of outstanding educators.

高校教育体制的改革,对青年干部提出了更高要求,那就是德才兼备。The reform of college educational system asks for higher requirement for young cadres which is with both morality and intelligence.

培养德才兼备的高级专门人才是推动我国现代化建设事业不断发展的内在动力。It is the inner motive force for promoting the Chinese durable modernization to cultivate high-class talents with character and ability.

哲学理论教育应体现知识经济时代的创新要求,培养德才兼备的创新人才。The teaching of philosophy must give expression to the creative requirement of knowledge economy times, and to train the creative talents.

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司法官应该德才兼备,清正廉洁,勤于职责,这是合格的法官所应具备的基本素质。The judge should have both ability and moral integrity, honest and upright, hard in duty, which were the basic qualities a judge should have.

不断引进德才兼备的人才进入企业,增强企业的竞争力,在市场经济大潮中劈波崭浪,蓬勃发展。We obey "Run after preeminent" and "World without end" as our enterprise spirit, introducing to the people have ability with political integrity.

多注重提升自身素质,气质要靠修炼,不能才貌双全,至少德才兼备。More attention to raise their game, want to rely on cultivation, not temperament and prefer, at least, having both ability and political integrity.