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他似乎总是能大难不死。He always seems to land on his feet.

你大难不死真是幸运。You are lucky to be alive after the accident.

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金龙被凯杰一枪打中落海,大难不死,却瞎了一只眼睛。Kaijie shoots Jinlong and he falls into the sea.

猫在跌落时能够大难不死是有事实作依据的。a cat's ability to survive falls is based on fact.

空难事件中有的人大难不死。Sometimes there is survival of people in the crash.

那些劫后余生大难不死的人,认识到了生命的意义。Those who have survived realize the meaning of life.

这名大难不死的男孩儿随后同他的爸爸离开了商场。The boy, who was unscathed by his ordeal, left the mall with his father.

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她在意外事故中大难不死,但却终身残废,再也不能行走了…She survived the accident but she was maimed for life and will never walk again.

大难不死的话,就需要骑马逃跑,日后好东山再起。If escaping from death, need equestrian desert, in the future good stage a comeback.

此外,还有两名工人跳楼自杀,但大难不死。Two other workers attempted to kill themselves by jumping off buildings but survived.

大难不死必有后福,让我们共同为实现小康社会而奋斗吧!May big fortune follow a hair escape, let's strive for a comparatively well-off society!

从这个大难不死的的故事中,我们学到了能给予我们勇气和力量的话语。So here, coming to us from the extreme edge of survival, are words that can give us strength.

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当地新闻报道指出斯托达德英勇在他的妻子,谁被击中,但大难不死驶来。A local news report indicated Stoddard heroically stepped in front of his wife, who was shot but survived.

其中霍奇2006年曾经在丹佛76号高速公路上被人枪击身中五弹,但是好在大难不死。Hodgkin in 2006 which was in Denver on Highway 76, who was shot in five rounds, but Fortunately, disaster immortality.

他在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,一头撞到了墓地外的石�上,但他却大难不死。There was a high-speed chase and he lost control of his car.He survived a crash into a stone wall guarding a cemetery.

迄今已有一名矿工死于该病,并有另外两名患病,但大难不死,能够协助调查。One miner has died from the disease so far and two others have fallen sick but survived to assist in the investigation.

他在飙车躲避警察追截的时候,汽车失控了,一头撞到了墓地外的石墙上,但他却大难不死。There was a high-speed chase and he lost control of his car. He survived a crash into a stone wall guarding a cemetery.

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一名巴西女子在枪战中大难不死,因为子弹的撞击力道被她塞进自己胸罩内的钱吸收。A woman survived a shootout in Brazil, after the impact of a bullet was absorbed by the money she had stuffed in her bra.

它们熬过了生命里最开始的那些艰难岁月,现在几乎这个团体的每一个成员都是“大难不死,必有后福”啦。After a rather tough start to life each and every one of this whiskered brigade has fallen on their feet, or rather paws.

现在我大难不死,待得功法大成之时,也就是了结这个果的时候。Now my run from necrosis, treat when the accomplishment usage greatly become, is also the time that concludes this fruit.