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他是一名北方军的侦察兵。He was a Federal scout.

侦察兵在夜间出巡。The scouts went out during the night.

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侦察兵能够深入敌后。The scouts can go behind the enemy lines.

侦察兵渗透到敌人阵地后面去了。The scouts infiltrated into the enemy positions.

侦察兵就在敌人眼皮底下活动。The scouts are active under the enemy's very noses.

侦察兵们在一个雷雨之夜出发去执行任务。The scouts started off on their mission on a stormy night.

侦察兵用手臂挡住敌兵的打击。The scout opposed his arm to the blow of the enemy soldier.

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侦察兵先涉过浅滩,战士们跟着安然渡过。The soldier rode out of the ford with the scouts in advance.

技术侦察兵必须成为高级首长的千里眼顺风耳。The monitors must be forward ears and eyes to the top leaders.

冲锋队侦察兵通常被部署到守备基地中。Stormtrooper scout units were usually assigned to garrison posts.

侦察兵看见枪口火光一闪,然后听见子弹的尖啸声。The scout saw the flash of a gun and then heard the zip of a bullet.

如果他想要一个木精灵作侦察兵,就得允许塔卡莉有她自己的幽默。If he wanted a Wood elf for a scout, Takari had to be allowed her fun.

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和侦察兵一样,报童常常被视为是吵杂的嗨咖。Newsboys were known for being loud and intrusive, much like the Scout.

据侦察兵报告,最后一批法国佬在深夜乘木筏渡河了。As our scouts reported, the last crossed the river on rafts in the night.

修正了一个武装侦察兵的照明弹和激光指示器的热键冲突的问题。Fixed a hotkey conflict with Illumination Rounds and Laser Designator for FO.

但与人类军队不同,“蚂蚁没有间谍或侦察兵,”Moffett如是说。But unlike human armies, “these ants don’t have spies or scouts,” Moffett says.

在骑兵连和敌军之间,除了小股的侦察兵而外,已经没有人影了。Between the squadron and the enemy there was no one now but a few scouting parties.

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将军责骂那个侦察兵没有仔细观察敌情。The general landed on the scout for his not carefully observing the enemy situation.

她们是侦察兵、间谍、狱卒、厨师,她们上战场厮杀。They worked as scouts, spies, prison guards, cooks, nurses and they fought in combat.

但在多恩豪斯博士位于德国农田间的研究场所,当她把一些蜂箱转动方向时,失去了合适舞台的蜜蜂侦察兵仍然在跳舞,舞姿却是随机的。Deprived of the appropriate stage, the honeybee scouts still danced, but it was random.