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祂的挚爱常在幽秘中显明表征In secret of His deeper love is shown

精神病专家们很喜欢‘非言语性表征’。Psychiatrists love 'nonverbal clues'.

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利用红外光谱对接枝共聚物进行了表征。The graft copolymer was indentified by IR.

细胞死亡动力学表征为一级反应。Cell death kinetics is a one-class reaction.

通过表征,证明它们都是电荷转移复合物。Explore in new type of charge transfer complexes.

很难对氯化石蜡进行表征。"They are difficult to characterize, " Henry agreed.

以牙龈炎、牙龈出血为主要表征。With tooth gingivitis, gum haemorrhage is main token.

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这两者都是一次事件和有关这次事件的谎言的表征。Both are symptoms of an event and a lie about the event.

如何表征那种被不断延宕的现实?How do we represent the constantly temporalized reality?

散热器的黑度表征了散热器辐射能力的大小。The blackness of a radiator expresses its radiant ability.

让我们可以用来,表征固态物质。And x-ray diffraction allows us to characterize solid matter.

通过溶解性能,热分析及电镜,表征了IPN结构的存在。The IPN structure was proved by solubility test, DSC and TEM.

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运用红外光谱、X-射线衍射对所制铝交联累托石进行了表征。It is characterized by X-ray Diffraction and infrared spectrum.

所讨论的方法可用于其他微电路工艺设备的表征。The method could also be used for other microcircuit processes.

偏斜度是一个能表征图像是否对称分布的特征量。Skewness is an eigenvalue of symmetric distribution of the image.

用FTIR对粉体和苯丙复合乳液进行了表征。The powder and the composite emulsion were characterized by FTIR.

我想,整容上瘾是一些深层次问题的表征。You know, I think it, you know, it's symptom of something larger.

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对索雷尔来说,缺乏控制就是新世界的表征。For Sorrell, that lack of control is symptomatic of the new world.

这些新化合物同样得到了核磁波谱和高分辨质谱的表征。The new compounds were also characterized by NMR spectra and HRMS.

通过XRD,SEM和恒电流充放电测试对样品进行了表征。The sample was characterized by XRD, SEM and charge-discharge tests.