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不要施加压力,不要受制于人。Don’t give into pressure.

ON公司竞标Endesa所施加的阻碍是违法的。ON's bid for Endesa are illegal.

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施加在脖子上的力是巨大的。The stress to the neck is enormous.

她昨天给花坛施加了堆肥。She composted the flower-beds yesterday.

你们继续为变革施加压力。You have kept up the pressure for change.

是的,父母向我们施加了许多压力。Yup, parents put a lot of pressure on us.

如果不施加外力,物体保持静止But if you don't do anything, things stay.

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在施加这种压力下,你能不屈服吗?Couldn't you surrender under such pressure?

我们从来没有施加压力来达成8点协议。We never pressed for the 8-point agreement.

伊夫琳总是责备我,给我施加很大压力,因为我撞坏了她的车。I took a lot of heat for crashing Evelyns car.

他说,”英国在给那些国家施加压力“。Britain was "putting the pressure on", he said.

可是,我们真的需要在健身房给自己的身体施加压力吗?But do we need to stress our bodies at the gym?

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资本战争给予比索施加了很大压力。Capital flight is putting pressure on the peso.

候选人巧妙地对大众施加影响。The candidate skillfully worked the huge crowd.

当美国对他们施加民主改革压力时,中国同他们只作生意。While the US pushes reforms, China does business.

放松自我施加的束缚,放飞自己。Release of your self-imposed shackles and be free.

这是在施加压力,你们在毁我的青春年华,啊?This is repression. You’re ruining my youth, okay?

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垫子能够在刹车盘的两边施加压力。Pads apply friction to both sides of the brake disk.

随后切除齿状突并重复施加负荷。The odontoid was then resected and loading repeated.

我们只知道它施加了一个力,所以你应该这么做We do know it exerts a force, so here's what you do.