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然后,你更换不同的作物,在土地上轮作So, you have varied crops, among them.

想提高产量,最好的办法是倒茬轮作。Crop rotation is the best way to increase output.

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利用长期轮作草场进行早期放牧是不切实际的。It is impracticable to go for early bite from longer leys.

轮作可以降低土壤EC值、盐分和硝态氮含量。Rotation could depress EC, content of salinity and NO-3-N.

中稻套播黑麦草系统在湖南气候条件下是一种较为合理的粮饲轮作系统。The mid-season rice with ryegrass is a best pattern in Hunan province.

表明WWS轮作模式有利于土壤养分的均衡。All of those indicated that"WWS"was beneficial to balance soil nutrient.

就整个麦豆轮作生态系统而言,旱地土壤分别是大气N_2O、CH_4的源汇。Dryland soil is atmospheric N_2O source and is sink of atmospheric CH_4.

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农民以往长期实行干草、牧草和玉米轮作。Farmers traditionally used long-term rotations of hay, pasture, and corn.

有一项研究,在美国对于玉米与大豆轮作的11处土壤进行了研究。One study examined 11 soils in the US under a rotation of maize and soybeans.

同时,在轮作方式上采用马铃薯→豆科作物的轮作方式。At the same time, we should adopt potato→leguminous plants rotation tillage system.

如果是中稻和小麦轮作,则可以只在水稻上施用锌肥。Unde rotation of medium rice and wheat, zinc fertilizer could be only applied on rice.

水稻—蔬菜轮作的方式可减少有机氯农药污染的风险。The rotation of vegetable and rice could decrease the risk of organochlorine pollution.

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水旱轮作地区土壤长期休闲与耕种的肥力效应。Effect of long-term fallow and cultivation on soil fertility in rice-based cropping system.

在较高外源钾投入条件下,不同轮作方式的土壤钾素均呈不同程度的亏缺状态。Although K was input in soil, there was a deficiency of soil K in different rotation systems.

甘蔗和水稻,甘薯,豆类或黄麻等作物轮作,可以大大减轻受害。Sugar cane and rice, sweet potatoes, beans or jute, crop rotation, can greatly reduce suffer.

用密闭箱法研究了不同水旱轮作方式对稻田甲烷排放的影响。A field experiment was used to investigate methane emission in rice-duck-fish complex ecosystem.

必须充分肯定轮作草场在管理方面有较大的灵活性。It must be said in favour of leys that they give much more flexibility in grass land management.

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用一个滚动轮作为鼠标中键的鼠标非常流行,所以增加了对它的支持。Mice with a scroll wheel as a middle mouse button are fairly popular, so support is being added.

第三种耕作制度也是小麦休耕轮作,但应用锄铲松土法,并用杆式中耕除草机控制杂草。The third system is also wheat-fallow, but it uses sweep tillage and a rod-weeder to control weeds.

在本试验研究条件下,大部分轮作方式的农田养分处于盈余状态,特别是氮、钾养分。In this experiment, most models of crop rotation are surplus in nutrient supply, especially N and K.