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见了你憔悴的姿容,大地也含悲而湿润。As the dank earth weeps at thy languishment.

一个湖是风景中最美、最有表情的姿容。A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature.

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蜡黄的面孔了无生气,眉头紧锁,如此姿容怎能与美丽挂钩呢?A sallow face no angry, frowning face, so how can hook and beautiful?

春天的西子湖姿容绝代、美丽无双。The West Lake in spring is gracefully pleasant, its beauty unparallelled.

自然界的变化总是这样的悄无声息,又让你我能够感到它行走的姿容。Changes in nature are always so silent, letting you walk I can feel it looks.

从一个天真烂漫的孩子,到一个腼腆害羞的姑娘,她现在已长成一个姿容出众的女子。From a merry child, then a blushing maid , she has become a perfect woman now.

湖是风景中最美,最有表情的姿容。Lake is the most beautiful landscape and most of the facial expressions Zirong.

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山或海,日或夜,乌鸦或者白鸽,眼睛立刻塑成你美妙的姿容。The mountain or the sea, the day or night, The crow or dove, it shapes them to your feature.

多年前,当我还是个孩子的时候,你遇到了我,奉承我,并且教我为自己的姿容感到自豪。Years ago, when I was a boy, you met me, flattered me, and taught me to be vain of my good looks.

她从浴盆里站起来,穿上一些好看的衣服,希望自己以最好的姿容使他愉悦快乐。She came out from the tub , put on some nice dresses hoping she could please him with her best looking.

从照片和油画中看出,伊丽莎白·亨特当年是位姿容美丽、热情洋溢的女人。Elizabeth Hunter, judging by the studio portraits, and the oil painting, had been a beautiful, a passionate woman.

我们分离了,但你的姿容依旧在我的心坎里保存,有如韶光的依稀幻影,愉悦着我惆怅的心灵。We depart each other, but your image is still in my heart like the obscure illusion of time making my melancholy heart.

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欧洲文化丰富的艺术底蕴,开放、创新的设计思想及其尊贵的姿容,一直以来颇受众人的喜爱与追求。The abundant art background of European culture, open and creative design thought and noble features are popular with customers.

马丘比丘在所有印加废墟中最负盛名,它似悬浮于两座山间,经常云雾笼罩,诡魅迷人,从乌鲁班巴山谷底也难见其姿容。The most famous of all the Inca ruins, Machu Picchu appears to be suspended between two mountains and is often enshrouded in mist.

如果偶然在空中看到一轮黄灿灿的满月,我们都会情不自禁地抬头仰望,凝视牠的尊贵姿容。If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon huge and yellow over the horizon we are helpless but to start back at its commanding presence.

如果偶然在空中看到一轮黄灿灿的满月,我们都会情不自禁地抬头仰望,凝视她的尊贵姿容。If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon, huge and yellow over the horizon, we are helpless but to start back at its commanding presence.

不见你娇美的姿容已经一个星期了,真如七年一样。在这七天里,你的倩影无时不刻在我心海浮现!Not seeing your charming looks a week, really like seven years. In seven days, the ghost of you every moment to emerge in the sea of my heart!

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八重樱致力于让东方女性在那一刻美到极致,有如樱花绽放,用最绚烂的姿容,迎接自己的幸福。Double Cherry is endeavor to give the eastern bride a fabulous appearance at that moment, just like blooming cherry accepting her happiness with the most beautiful gesture.

它们将长年不败,每年都为您色彩斑斓、姿容秀丽地绽放。在这一点上,它们与其他的园林花卉不同。They will last for many years and give you an annual show of flowers that are often so richly coloured or beautifully formed as to be in a class apart from other garden flowers.