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这是部出租汽车。This car is rental.

我们叫辆出租汽车好吗?Shall we call a taxi?

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他被恭敬地接进了出租汽车。He was bowed into a taxi.

我们乘出租汽车到车站去。We taxied to the station.

请给我叫辆出租汽车。Please call a taxi round for me.

这附近哪儿有出租汽车站?Where's a taxi stand around here?

我给了出租汽车司机50便士小费。I tipped the taxi driver 50 pence.

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因为我们晚了,乘出租汽车赴车站。As we were late we taxied to the stat.

出租汽车司机想多收她的车钱。The taxi-driver tried to overcharge her.

因为我们晚了,乘出租汽车赴车站。As we were late we taxied to the station.

我必定是把皮夹子遗失在出租汽车里了。I must have dropped my wallet in the taxi.

请派一辆出租汽车到新华书店。Please send a taxi to the Xinghua Bookshop.

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他扬手叫住一辆出租汽车,一下子钻了进去。He waved down a taxi and quickly got inside.

这儿是出租汽车招呼站。我们最好还是坐出租汽车。Here's a taxi-rank. we'd better take a taxi.

他们租定了一辆可乘三人的出租汽车。They decided on a cab which would seat three.

很多出租汽车在市区内缓缓行驶以招揽生意。Many taxis were cruising in the downtown area.

出租汽车排成一行等人雇车。Taxis stand in a taxi rank waiting to be hired.

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所有的客人由出租汽车安然送到旅馆。All visitors have been safely taxied to the hotel.

我过去是个侍者,但目前我是出租汽车司机。I employ to be a waiter, but here I'm a taxi-dsea.

这个出租汽车司机今天上午只载了三个乘客。The taxi-driver had only three fares this morning.