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他的技术水平令人拍案叫绝。His skill level was simply astounding.

他们的布景设计经常让人拍案叫绝。Their set designs are always stunning.

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当然,更让我拍案叫绝的是出版这件事。Of course, made me this lovely is published.

拍案叫绝不够,你的电话铃声面积215。Amazingly enough, your phone rings in area 215.

那是我一切体育观看经历当中,最为拍案叫绝的时刻。It may have been my greatest "Wow! "moment in all of sports.

精彩的表演令人拍案叫绝。We were overwhelmed with admiration for the superb performance.

这番辛苦下,我们终于得见婴儿们令人拍案叫绝的睡照,真是迷死人了。As a result we see absolutely stunning photos of charming sleeping babies.

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顶尖的球赛—观看全球前八名单打选手和双打组合比赛—拍案叫绝!Great Tennis- watch the top eight players and doubles teams in action- be AWED!

世界上有许许多多的蓝色大洞,但没有一个能比伯利兹的大蓝洞更令人拍案叫绝的了。There are numerous blue holes around the world, but none as stunning as this one.

小池在百合花丛倩影中献上它的抒情诗,太阳对其拍案叫绝。The pond sends up its lyrics from its dark in lilies, and the sun says, they are good.

年少曾读,体会不深,近日重读,拍案叫绝,再三回味,越爱不释手。Reading has been less, do not understand, recently re-read, Boanjiaojue, repeatedly recollection, the more ideal.

“吊环王”小将陈一冰的精彩表现令我拍案叫绝。"Hoisting ring's king" rookie player Chen Yibing has demonstrated brilliant performance which made me clap the table.

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一个绝妙的歌名翻译对美的表现力,对语言和文化的驾驭能力不禁会让人拍案叫绝。The controlling ability of language and culture show in a wonderful song title will get numerous acclaims from audiences.

当在建造残局库的这段时间,我常为残局库所发现的一些残局解法拍案叫绝。During the course of making these endgame databases, I am fascinated by the various ways to win a certain endgame as discovered by the databases.

所设计雕刻的作品常有令人拍案叫绝之作,获得行外行内一致好评。That does what be designed that the work carving often has making people thump the table and praise the excellence , gains consistent favourable comment of row of lay inner.

江南的紫砂壶玲珑剔透,泥人张的彩塑令人拍案叫绝,它们不都是泥土的微笑吗?Both the exquisiteness of the boccaro teapots made in south China, and the shockingly beautiful sculptures by Clay Sculptor Zhang of Tianjin--aren't they all smiles of the earth?

这是一张出奇晦涩和富有挑战性的专辑,令人晕眩的配器和不和谐的即兴重复使大多数普通听众望而却步,却令乐评人们为如此纯粹大胆的死亡爵士乐拍案叫绝。An amazingly dense and challenging record, it's head-spinning arrangements and dissonant riffing stumped most casual listeners but wowed critics with the sheer audacity of the band's death-jazz.