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何其相似乃尔!What a striking likeness!

何其相似乃尔?What a striking similarity!

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名利的代价何其大。What price fame and fortune?

正直的言语力量何其大。How forcible are right words!

主啊,祢的工作何其大!Lord, how great your works are!

此一怒,何其有品也。This angry, how are goods also.

生为广东人,何其幸也!I am proud of being a Cantonese!

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耶和华阿,你所造的何其多,都是你用智慧造成的。How many are your works, O Lord !

对世界,这是一种何其广博的胸襟!The world, this is a How broad-minded!

置身一片黑暗,是何其可怕的事情。There was a fire last night in Fairview.

在主里喜乐,何其佳美!It is a good thing to rejoice in the Lord.

神阿,你的慈爱,何其宝贵!How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God!

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耶和华啊,我的敌人何其加增!LORD, how are they increased that trouble me!

赤脚触砂-----乐趣何其多!When bare feet against the sand, how beloved!

因你的救恩,他的快乐何其大!How great is his joy in the victories you give!

使徒保罗所说的范围何其广阔!How wide is this assertion of the Apostle Paul!

世界有了你,生命何其美妙!How wonderful life is while you're in the world!

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对人类,这是一种何其珍贵的大爱!Human beings, this is a great love How precious!

沙拉卓大草原的青草何其绿!How green the grass on the steppes of Shahrazour!

爱的呻吟与垂死者的呻呤何其相似。Alike are the groans of love to those of the dying.