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这是一种儒家作风。It is the Confucian way.

然而,中国依旧受着儒家思想的影响。Confucian influence, however, remains.

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儒家之宗教性的本质是什么?What is the nature of Confucian religiousness?

中国古代法是儒家之法。China's ancient law is deemed as Confucian law.

儒家讲究“酒德”两字。The Confucian exquisite "wine DE" two characters.

儒家思想是中国的正统思想。Confucian thought is the orthodox thought in China.

我很不喜欢毛,因为他反对儒家。I don't like Mao too much for being anti-Confucian.

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第三部分民间信仰中的儒家思想。The third part of folk belief Confucianist thought.

儒家思想把人当做自然的有机组成部分。Confucian values see man as an integral part of nature.

孔子是儒家礼乐思想的奠基人。Confucius is the founder of Confucian musical ideology.

宋明理学使儒家学说更加哲理化。Neo-Confucianism to make technology a more philosophical.

儒家的生活观建立在“仁”的思想基础上。Confucianism's view of life is built on the idea of 'Jen'.

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研究孔子文化,儒家文化及古建筑。Research Confucius culture, Confucian culture and ancient.

中庸是儒家思想中的一个重要内容。The mean is an important intension of the Confucian school.

但是儒家思想因其推崇以柔克刚的权力手段得以复兴。But Confucianism revived, with its softer approach to power.

和谐是儒家文化的最高价值原则。Harmony is the highest value criterion of Confucian culture.

我是刘海艳,现在主要研究儒家传统文…I am Hai-Yan Liu. I study Confucian traditional culture now.

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儒家的哲学,可以名之为“教化的哲学”。So Confucian Philosophy is named Philosophy of Humanization.

人性论是儒家思想的重要组成部分。Human nature is an important constituent of the Confucianism.

道教关注于自然以及人性,儒家则关注于培养。Taoism focuses on nature and Confucianism focuses on nurture.