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丹麦、新西兰和瑞典并列该榜单的头名。Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden share the number one slot.

很显然,我们希望最后能以小组头名出线,而我们现在离完成目标还有一段距离。Obviously we want to finish on top and we still have a lot to do.

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今年,姚明能第三次取得头名吗?马上为将在拉斯维加斯举行的2007年NBA全明星赛投票吧!Can he make it three? Vote now for 2007 NBA All-Star in Las Vegas.

在迈阿密,紧腹手术是调查中的头名。In Miami, tummy tucks were the No. 1 procedure being investigated.

美国绝杀阿尔及利亚,获得了小组头名。The USA topped the group after an injury-time winner over Algeria.

明天中国将和日本比赛决定小组头名。China on Saturday meet Japan in a clash that will decide the Group toppers.

皇马客场2-1击败奥萨苏纳后蝉联西甲冠军,拜仁慕尼黑战平沃尔夫斯堡后锁定德甲头名。Bayern Munich secured its Bundesliga title after a 0-0 draw at VfL Wolfsburg.

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本小组的另一场比赛,乌拉圭1比0小胜墨西哥,以小组头名出线。In the group's other match, Uruguay topped the group with a 1-0 win over Mexico.

我们晋级下一轮了,我们成为小组头名,哦,不好意思少少啦。We've reached the next round and we are one point shy of becoming group leaders.

范德萨保证球门不失,荷兰1-0击败卢森堡之后也升到了G组头名。Van der Sar kept a clean sheet as Holland went top of Group G by winning 1-0 in Luxembourg.

头名当然好,但紧追领头羊意味着我们还有机会。Top would be fine, but to be near the top would mean the run-in would present us with an opportunity.

科比把他的球衣号码从8号改到24号使他一举登上了球衣销量榜的头名,詹姆斯看在了眼里。James watched Bryant make the switch from No. 8 to No. 24 and how it moved him to the top of the list.

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巴萨必须要在这里取得一个积极的结果,因为我们的目标是小组头名,所以这场比赛非常重要。Bassa to be here to get a positive result, because our goal is to the group, so Game is very important.

事实上,如果互联网行销界真的存在英雄的话,马龙应该排在英雄榜的头名。Actually, if Internet Marketing has any real heroes, Marlon Sanders should be on the top of everyone's list.

至于刚刚在美国市场夺得销量头名的惠普,则在产品的环保包装上下了大力气。And HP, which recently seized the top sales spot in the U.S. from Dell, is focusing on making greener packaging.

它取代索尼,成为头名电视品牌,在手机领域逐渐成为唯一能和诺基亚抗衡的对手。It has overtaken Sony as the top TV brand and emerged as the only credible challenger to Nokia in mobile phones.

他们目前在国内联赛排名第5,在榜首六强争夺战中,仅比头名波尔多少两分。They are currently fifth in their domestic league, trailing leaders Bordeaux by two points in a six-way title race.

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波尔图在G组力压阿森纳排在头名,他们还是葡萄牙超级联赛领头羊,不及格好球员。Porto finished ahead of Arsenal in Group G, they're top of the Portuguese Superliga and they have some fine players.

让我们仔细看看现在育种舍中的头名种鸽巴龙的血统吧。Let's take a closer look at the pedigree of the current 'Nr 1' in the breeding lofts in Kaggevinne, namely the 'Baron'.

但是当我们赢得美洲杯、联合会杯以及预选赛头名出线后,大家都不再质疑他了。They don't doubt him after we won the Copa America, the Confederations Cup and finished top of our qualification group.