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你妹妹真是一个绝对地敢作敢为的老姑娘。Your sister is an extremely enterprising old girl.

她因头脑冷静、敢作敢为而与众不同。She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery.

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不论你赞成与否,这些都说明了这是一个着敢作敢为的时代。Whether you approve or not, this has been an era of bold movement.

他永远会做他原来做不到的的事情,敢作敢为,获得缤纷。He forever can handle he cannot achieve originally the matter, resolute, obtains riotous.

我本人看到的精神是巨大的乐观主义、团结一致和敢作敢为的态度。The spirit I personally witnessed was one of great optimism, solidarity, and a can-do attitude.

李敖给我的感觉是一个个性张扬、敢说敢作敢为、文辞犀利泼辣的人。Although we may be nobody now, but no one could dare to say that we can't become somebody in the future.

之所以这样说,我只是想再次表明,我们对于整个这件事一向是敢作敢为的。Having said that, I want to just reiterate that we've been very aggressive in looking at this whole issue.

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他还写信给撒切尔夫人,敦促她更加忠实地遵循智利这个敢作敢为的模式。Hayek returned gushing , and wrote Thatcher, urging her to follow Chile's aggressive model more faithfully.

在伊丽莎白女王时代,登上政治舞台的人都敢作敢为,富于创新精神,而且许多还是伟人。The men who came upon the stage, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, were bold, original, and many of them, great men.

如果婚姻扼杀敢作敢为,或者把前途、勇气和希望都封杀了,那么婚姻将走向没落。Marriage produces its own downfall when it tries to prevent boldness and sew up the future and daring and hope in a bag.

我们想象一个敢作敢为,直言不讳的拍桌子英雄,他的简单、蛮横的用词丝毫未留下任何含糊不清的事。We imagine the aggressive, call-a-spade-a-spade, table-pounding hero whose simple, brutal use of words leaves nothing at all.

没人知道彬彬有礼的上院领袖杰特雷和敢作敢为的下院首领斯瓦拉杰到底谁才是真正的领导人。Nobody knows if the urbane Mr Jaitley, who leads the party in Parliament's upper house, or the pugnacious Sushma Swaraj, in the lower house, is really in charge.

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如果你的身体敢作敢为,在经历严重的身体创伤之后,还能够重新把你编织起来,形成疤痕组织,那就意味着你还活着,意味着你正在恢复之中。If your body is game enough to knit itself back together after a hard physical lesson, to make scar tissue, that means you’re still alive, means you’re on the path toward healing.