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这是典型的纤维素性心包炎的病例。This is typical for a fibrinous pericarditis.

这是纤维素性心包炎的又一实例。This is another example of fibrinous pericarditis.

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也是纤维素性心包炎。This is another example of fibrinous pericarditis.

实质上是纤维素性心包炎伴出血。It is really just fibrinous pericarditis with hemorrhage.

但是它仅为纤维素性心包炎合并出血。It is really just fibrinous pericarditis with hemorrhage.

她素性其实不粗鲁,却是颇有礼貌。It is not in her nature to be rude, she's polite by nature.

图示纤维素性心包炎。This diagram depicts the appearance of a fibrinous pericarditis.

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目的成功制作激素性骨坏死的动物模型。Objective To set up a successful animal model of steroid-induced osteonecrosis.

据悉,大卫是世界上首个已知的“色素性皮肤干燥症”患者。He suffers from what is believed a world-first variant of Xeroderma Pigmentosum.

在分析香兰素性质的基础上提出了新的提纯方法。Based on the study of vanillin characteristics, new purification methods are presented.

高凝低纤溶可能是激素性骨坏死的原因。Hypercoagulation and low fibrinolysis may be the reason of steroid-induced osteonecrosis.

对输入的随机数,选择素性检测算法进行素性检测。To enter the random number, select the primality testing algorithm for primality testing.

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素性旷达的她,埋藏起本人的恋爱,享用大学时代的高兴生涯。Natural disposition is open-minded, she buried up their love, enjoy college age of happy life.

我们描述了2例发生TFE3基因融合的恶性黑色素性上皮样肾肿瘤。We describe 2 cases of malignant melanotic epithelioid renal neoplasms bearing TFE3 gene fusions.

正如你所知道的,包括合成维生素D在内,黑暗色素性皮肤是没有效果的。As you probably know, darkly pigmented skin isn't efficient at inducing the synthesis of vitamin D.

目的建立和评价激素性股骨头缺血性坏死的动物模型。Objective To establish and evaluate the animal model of hormonal avascular necrosis of femoral head.

她在对157名素食主义者和道德消费者访问的过程中发现了这类“素性主义者”。She discovered the vegansexuals while interviewing 157 vegetarians and ethical consumers for a study.

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一个色素性皮损的临床病史影响其治疗方案的制订。Background. The clinical history of a given pigmented lesion could in fluence the therapeutic decision.

最初,可能有胸膜腔渗出,也可能出现纤维素性胸膜炎。Initially, there may just be an effusion into the pleural space. There may also be a fibrinous pleuritis.

方法采用回顾性分析,对12例肾移植术后耐激素性排斥反应患者应用OKT3治疗。Methods The OKT3 treatment of 12 cases of refactory renal allograft rejection was studied retrospectively.