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文学是人学,是心学。Literature is human studies as well as study of heart.

“受动性”是马克思早期人学思想中的一个重要概念。"Suffering" is one of Marx's early concepts of humanism.

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关于匮乏的思想是萨特人学理论的基石。Scarcity is the core stone of Sartre's anthropologic theory.

匮乏是萨特人学理论的基石。Scarcity is the foundation of Sartre's anthropologic theory.

哲学是人学,是人的社会学和人的宇宙学。Philosophy is a human study, and is human sociology and cosmography.

三方面结合,构成了儒家人学思想体系。Three aspects unified, constituted the Confucianist person study ideology.

你们已经通过能力走到现在,并且你们当中已经有人学到了如何成功。You've gotten so far on your ability that many of you have learned to coast.

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人的价值问题是人学和价值学的中心问题。The value of human being is the main question of science of man and axiology.

毛教师要本人学会做人学会生存用英语怎样说的?。Teacher Mao advised me to learn how to get along with others and how to survive.

美国的大学是从什么时候开始纳人免试人学制的?。When did open admissions begin within the university system in the United State?

一个人学语言的动机越强,那他学这门语言的速度就越快。The stronger the motivation, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.

哲学价值论研究的主客体关系模式与人学模式没有实质性区别。There is no essential difference between subject-object schema and humanistic schema.

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有些蜜蜂学会这些却花了更长的时间——就像有的人学东西快些有的人学得慢些。Some bees took a little longer—as in humans, there are quick learners and slower ones.

这些构成了卢卡奇早期人学思想的理论主题和基本内容。These constitute the topic and basic content of Lukács man Theory in its early period.

结论中国人学日语,同形词一直以来都是容易被忽视的难点。Homograph between Japanese and Chinese is one of the difficulties in learning Japanese.

第四部分就是很多人学武真的为了进娱乐圈。The fourth is a lot of people learning martial arts really want to be in entertainment.

“人的全面发展”观是马克思主义人学理论中的一个基本观点。Standpoint of human full development" is a basic standpoint of Marxism Humanics Theory."

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人学首先以人自身为研究对象,并将人纳入自然界和宇宙之中予以通观。This science focuses on human itself and admits its existence in the nature and universe.

大城市具有自身种种诱人的花招,并不亚于那些教人学坏的男男女女。The city has its cunning wiles, no less than the infinitely smaller and more human tempter.

心身关系问题研究具有深厚的人学背景。Studies of the relations between the mind and body has a profound background of human science.