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其色泽嫩黄,清香扑鼻。The color yellow, fragrant aroma.

像三月的青春在嫩黄的柳树上!March-bloom, like on mealed-with-yellow sallows!

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你可能只见过两只嫩黄的眼睛瞪着你或者听到猫头鹰的大叫声。You may see just two bright yellow eyes staring at you or hear a loud hoot.

这个火车头是用面包、奶酪、胡萝卜片、腌嫩黄瓜做的。Some bread, cheese, carrot slices and pickled gherkin were used to create this locomotive.

泰国的一个海滩上一把嫩黄的伞,就像悬挂在淡蓝色的水面上的太阳一样。A bright yellow umbrella sits like the sun over the pale blue waters of a beach in Thailand.

精致诱人的甜点和鲜美嫩黄的芜菁一定是款待他们的最好的食物。Tasty biscuits and Mashed Yellow Turnips are two comfort foods that will be greatly appreciated.

科学家展示,从嫩黄咖喱粉提取的一种物质可杀死癌细胞。An extract found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric can kill off cancer cells, scientists have shown.

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不知不觉之中,会有一只只小野鸭从蛋壳中挣脱出来,淡淡的嫩黄,让毛绒绒的小家伙,变得更为可爱。Imperceptibly, will have only a small duck eggshells from escaping, pale yellow, let the furry, become more lovely.

妩媚的蕾丝装扮是你的最爱,再配上淡蓝、浅粉、嫩黄和浅绿柔和的颜色,就更能衬出你的时尚可爱。Feminine lacy dresses are your first love, and you look wonderful in the colors of pale blue, pink, yellow and green.

采用活性嫩黄和艳蓝染料对纯棉织物进行轧蒸连续染色。Continuous pad-steam dyeing process was carried out on cotton fabric with reactive brilliant yellow and brilliant blue.

内质香气甜香馥郁,汤色嫩黄明亮,滋味鲜爽甘醇,叶底黄亮鲜活。Endoplasmic aroma of sweet fragrance, liquor color Yellow bright, mellow taste of diethylene glycol, While the fresh leaf.

在市中心,男人和孩子围着从大锅里卖嫩黄红花饭的苏菲派牧士蹲着。In the town centre, men and children squatted around a Sufi cleric who sold bright yellow saffron rice from a big cauldron.

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总是带着一种盼望来看它,那嫩黄的颜色,应是展翅奋飞。Always bring one kind to long for seeing it , That light yellow co lour , Ought to be spreading the wings to advance forward.

鲜红的楂子和嫩黄的茨实衬着浓碧的山茶叶——这是怎么也不能描画出的一种风味。Scarlet red hawthorns and light yellow briers against dark blue camellia leaves made a picture too beautiful to be described.

不过,现有的黄色钻石颜色多为淡黄色,而“梦之钻”因颜色嫩黄更显珍贵。Nevertheless, existing maize diamond color is more flaxen , and " of the dream get " because color is light Huang Gengxian is precious.

阳光依然很年轻,却在万物的呢喃中抽芽出一片嫩黄的情节,温暖人们潮湿的穴窠和心愿。Sun is still very young, but in all things sprout out of a yellow Whisper in the plot, warm people and the wishes of the wet cave nest.

啊!菊花,我爱你,爱你那翠绿的叶子,爱你那嫩黄的花朵,更爱你那耐旱耐霜的精神。Ah! Chrysanthemum, I love you, love your green leaves, love your yellow flowers, but love your cream in the spirit of drought-resistant.

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细雨悄悄滋润,微风轻轻吹拂,那褐色的芽,只那么一瞬间,便变成嫩黄泛绿的园园的榆钱儿。Quietly nourishing rain, the breeze blowing gently, then brown buds, so only the blink of an eye, they become yellow-green of the children.

为了展示优雅庄重,新娘会选择嫩黄,紫罗兰或者其他讲究的织物做婚纱。the bride selected tender yellow, violet and other colors and elegant fabrics made ??wedding dress, to show the bride's Evening Dresses and elegant.

从石膏白到嫩黄、深紫,土豆的颜色丰富多彩,不同种类的土豆形状、质地、大小也五花八门。Potatoes have different colors from gypsum white to light yellow and dark purple, what's more, the shape, character and size are various for all kinds.