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最后,弗兰妮晕倒了。Eventually Franny faints.

谁赌他"晕倒"?Who had money on "faints"?

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他马上晕倒在了他的桌子边。He faints in his desk at once.

泰尔普克说,她几乎吓得晕倒过去。Telpuk says she nearly fell over.

只是,别管我,要不我要晕倒啦。Only, let me alone, or I shall faint.

他被陌生人敲头而晕倒。The stranger conked him and he fainted.

假装晕倒只不过是个诡计。Pretending to faint was merely artifice.

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几名学生因天气太热而晕倒了。Several students keeled over from the heat.

她一见到自己的血就晕倒了过去。She fainted away at the sight of her own blood.

哈丽特是那样缓和,差点晕倒。So nervous was Harriet that she nearly fainted.

他们使一位晕倒的老人苏醒过来。They resuscitated an old man who fell in a faint.

有人晕倒了。请派救护车来。Somebody has passed out. Plesae send an ambulance.

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在英国,有人在利兹的朗读会上晕倒。In Britain, people fainted at the reading in Leeds.

因为山里很热,热到罗丝晕倒了。It is so hot in the mountains that Ruth passed out.

她晕倒了,头撞在金属床架上。She fainted and hit her head on the metal bedstead.

肚子疼晕倒是怎么回事?Is collywobbles faints how to return a responsibility?

她晕倒了,从椅子上滑到了地上。She fainted heeling over from her chair onto the floor.

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一句话,我吓得晕倒在抽水机旁。In a word, I was so surprised, that I fell down in a Swoon.

小艾的情况越来越糟,在家晕倒了。The little moxa situation worse and worse, fainted at home.

姜云阳被抓走了,哑妹晕倒在屋子里。Jiang Yunyang was arrested, dumb sister fainted in the room.