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是的,备有网兜吊包。Yes, net slings available.

什么时候能用网兜水?。When can you get water With a net?

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货物网兜、吊具、吊绳等设备是否处于良好状态?。Are cargo nets or lifting cages, strops etc in good condition?

更靠近溪边的地方放着网兜和水桶,这样做能激发学生的探究兴趣。Closer to the river are nets and buckets, which pique the students' interest.

我们也可使用可重复使用的线织篮和网兜。I guess we can also use wire baskets or net bags which can be used and reused.

试着把把章鱼装到网兜里,要保证没有一个爪子在外面哦。Attempt to put the octopus into the string bag so that none of the arms hang out.

将洗后羊绒衫内的水挤出,放入网兜在洗衣机的脱水筒中脱水。Squeeze the water out of the sweater. Put the cloth into the net bag then dehydrate in the wash machine.

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在其它形式的后凸成形术中,会使用别的手术方法来创造出空洞,例如用网兜或球。In other forms of kyphoplasty, other surgical approaches for creating the cavity may be used, such as a net or ball.

尼龙网兜淘洗法对鸡18621只、鸭14680只和鹅8600只粪样镜检,检出虫卵分别为15种、13种和8种。The fecal samples from 18621 chickens, 14680 ducks and 8600 geese were classificated with worm 15, 13, 8 species respectively.

相争不下,索性各按自己的偏好买了一网兜,都很不服气的样子,暗笑对方不会享受真正的生活。I know that she would secretly laugh at me for not knowing how to enjoy seasonal life, but I do have my own way of appreciating life.

一张张自制的鱼网兜在孩子们手里挥来挥去,伴随着挥动,一条条银光闪闪的鱼儿被网住了。Fish net bag made a picture of the children to shake off the hands of play, along with the wave, a section of shiny silver fish is a net.

她从放在地上的网兜里拿出一些中草药,用手指揉碎了以后撒在了热水里。From a string bag that she had placed on the floor, she took some herbs, crushing them with her fingers as she sprinkled them on the water.

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比及小树叶睡醒了,它发现自已待在一个网兜里,一个渔民用粗糙的手把小树叶捞出来扔到地上。And smaller leaves than waking up, it found himself staying in a string bag, a fisherman with a rough hand to remove small leaves thrown on the ground.

糟糕的是,塑料袋严重污染自然环境,所以应该采取措施鼓励人们多使用网兜。Unfortunately, the natural environment is heavily polluted with plastic bags. Therefore, immediate steps should be taken to encourage wider use of string bags.

用土豆淀粉和纤维混合制作的网兜盛水果,可减少大量水果包装废弃物对环境的破坏。Food nets made of potato starch and fibres to hold fruits. It helps resolve the problem of producing a large volume of non-reusable fruit containers or wrappers.

输液监护系统由输液监视网兜、语音对话、住院输液监视屏、床位登记卡4部分组成。The system is consisted of 4 parts including fluid infusion monitoring bag, phonetic dialogue, in-patient fluid infusion monitoring screen, and bed register card.

不过,倘若捉飞蛾的人扔下手中的网兜,转而去聆听有关鬼魂、仙人和利利斯的孩子之类的故事,他对村子的故事也许会了解得更快。If the moth-hunter would throw down his net, and go hunting for ghost tales or tales of the faeries and such-like children of Lillith, he would have need for far less patience.

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研究表明楔形柔性搭板土工格室的侧向约束作用,摩擦作用、网兜效应能够有效地提高地基的强度和刚度,减小地基的沉降变形。The study indicated that lateral restraining, friction, net-sliding action of Wedged-shape Flexible Approach Slab could increase ground strength and decrease ground subsidence.

建造这座废物循环天堂时,索瓦先把许多塑料瓶打包塞进塑料网兜或是渔网里,然后把这些瓶子压到木质托盘的下面,这就构成了岛的基座。To make his recycled paradise, Sowa packed bottles into plastic mesh bags and fishing nets. He lashed those to the bottom sides of wooden pallets, which form the island's foundation.