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金冠是一个非常丰产的品种。Golden delicious is a very fruitful cultivar.

国王戴着华丽的金冠。The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown.

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但是这冠冕却比金冠或银冠更高贵。But that crown was greater than silver and gold.

国王戴着华丽的金冠。MAGNIFICENT】The king was wearing a magnificent gold crown.

这么多年的等待,我却只等来了浇在我头上的融化了的金冠。All those years, and all I ever got was a pot of molten gold.

按说,获得金冠的女子就是下一个要结婚的人。It is thought that whoever she crowns will be the next to wed.

使用音乐。带声音的贺卡。今天的特点金冠商店有售。Use music. Cards with Sound, at today's Hallmark Gold Crown Stores.

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在庆典中,还会选出一名男子戴上金冠扮演君主,并祈求太阳神的保佑。One man plays the role of God to pray for the blessing from the sun.

多萝西朝金冠里面望去,只见衬里上写着一些字。Dorothy looked inside the Golden Cap and saw some words written upon the lining.

爱是大自然所给予我们继续活下去的理由,是使一个男人成为国王的金冠。Love is nature's way of giving a reason to be living, the golden crown that makes a man a king.

牙用固位钉、镍铬合金冠等材料在快速自旋回波图像上伪影减轻。Artifacts produced by retention pin, nickel chromium crown and so on were less severe on fast spin-echo.

老婆婆说,“昨天我看到11只戴着金冠的天鹅在游到了河的对岸。”The old grandma answered, "I only saw 11 wild geese with gold crowns swim across the river nearby yesterday."

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她站在我的床边,身披五彩霞衣,头戴凤头金冠,浑身笼罩着一层紫色的光雾。She stood on the side of my bed, in five Chinese clothes, wearing crested crown, was shrouded in a purple haze.

研究了海藻酸钠涂膜对金冠苹果果肉硬度、呼吸强度、乙烯释放与膜脂过氧化的影响。The influence of coating with sodium alginate on some physiological indices in Golden Delicious apple was studied.

多萝茜跑到女巫的碗橱旁,把食物放满在她的篮子里,预备在走路的时候吃,她在那里,看见了金冠。Dorothy went to the Witch's cupboard to fill her basket with food for the journey, and there she saw the Golden Cap.

“亲爱的青蛙,你要什么东西都成,”小公主回答说,“我的衣服、我的珍珠和宝石、甚至我头上戴着的这顶金冠,都可以给你。”"Whatever you will have, dear frog," said she, "My clothes, my pearls and jewels, and even the golden crown which I am wearing."

以绿原酸为底物,PPO活性新红星最高,其次是富士和金冠,王林最低。Taking chlorogenic acid as substrate, the fruit with the highest PPO activity was Starkrimson followed by Fuji and Golden Delicious.

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“亲爱的青蛙,你要什么东西都成呵,”小公主回答说,“我的衣服、我的珍珠和宝石、甚至我头上戴着的这顶金冠,都可以给你。”"Whatever thou wilt have, dear frog," said she -- "My clothes, my pearls and jewels, and even the golden crown which I am wearing."

这顶金冠有一种魔力,不论谁戴上它,可以召唤出一批飞猴,飞猴能服从任何命令。This Golden Cap had a charm. Whoever owned it could call three times upon the Winged Monkeys, who would obey any order they were given.

这个椭圆形带绞链顶饰精美金冠的小盒子前后都被曾经上过瓷釉的浮雕字母所覆盖。THE hinged oval case topped by a delicate gold crown is covered, front and back, in raised lettering that would once have been enamelled.