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而鹰的视网膜具有一百万个棒状细胞。An eagle has about a million.

RRD是视网膜脱离的主要类型之一。RRD is the main type of retina disease.

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眼睛视网膜神经萎缩,可以治好吗?Eye retina nerve is atrophic, can you cure?

做这项实验首先需将从藻类植物中提取的基因注射进视网膜上的神经细胞中。It involves injecting the gene into the retina.

巨细胞病毒性视网膜炎在发展中国家很常见。CMV retinitis is common in developing countries.

人类的视网膜具有200000个棒状细胞。The retina of a human eye contains 200, 000 rods.

由此表明早产儿视网膜病变可能与遗传因素有关。It seems that ROP may relate with genetic factors.

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若发现有视网膜病变,则须更多次的检查。If found retinopathy, to be more of the inspection.

与人类的视网膜相比,鹰的更大。Compared to ours, an eagle's retina is physically larger.

目的建立大鼠视网膜光损伤模型。Objective To establish retinal photic injury model of rat.

谁知道视网膜素色素变性病例!Who knows case of denaturation of retinal element pigment!

局部有玻璃体视网膜粘连和视网膜撕裂。Local vitreoretinal adhesion and retinal tears were revealed.

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视网膜,眼球等所有部分都被全部炸坏了。The retina, the eye ball, everything was completely destroyed.

同时评估旁中心凹区域的视网膜脉管系统。The retinal vasculature in the parafoveal region was assessed.

当你有民主共和国,异常血管生长在视网膜。When you have PDR , abnormal blood vessels grow in the retina.

物体在视网膜上形成的物像是倒立的吗?Is the reflection of objects projected on the retina upsidedown?

视网膜、眼球等所有部分都被全部炸坏了。The retina , the eye ball , everything was completely destroyed.

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随年龄的增长,视网膜神经纤维层有变薄的趋势。The retinal nerve fiber layer tends to become thinning with age.

而一只视网膜上有大约1.2亿个光感受器。By contrast, one retina harbors about 120 million photoreceptors.

点击了解更多视网膜跳跃燃烧零售PIX的微软式。Hit the jump for more retina-burning retail pix, Microsoft-style.