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行为,电子商务是北纬。Gosp. For Acts, e is Lat.

北纬34.07.080东经70.13.209。North 34.07.080 by East 70.13.209.

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北纬25度临近于北回归线,具有明显的回归带特征。Latitude 25N, has the obvious characteristic of tropic area.

北纬或南纬线,超过该线,树木不能生长。The northern or southern latitude beyond which trees do not grow.

它横跨北纬80度,于1947年作为气象站而建立。It straddles the 80th parallel and was created as a weather station in 1947.

最早的中心靠近北纬5度,西经二十度。This one's earliest center was at approximately 5 degree north, 20 degree west.

欧洲绝大部分地区位于北纬45度以北。The greatest part of Europe is situated above the 45th degree of Northern Latitude.

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亚麻是一种生长在北纬45度左右的草本植物。Flax is a kind of growing up in about 45 degrees north latitude and herbaceous plants.

日本就在前面。方位北纬三十度到四十度之间。你现在赶紧闭嘴,要么下到舱里去。It exists. Between latitudes thirty and forty north. Now hold your tongue or go below.

1846年,波尔克总统同意妥协,将该地区在北纬40度处划分。In 1846 President Polk agreed to a compromise dividing the region at the 49th parallel.

道森先生过去是名拉丁语教师,他住在北纬30度的一个小岛上。Mr. Dawson used to be a Latin teacher and live on an island of 30 degrees north latitude.

这些外形相似的路径逐渐变宽并向北纬方向移动。The paths, which are similar in shape, gradually widen and shift to more northerly latitudes.

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鲸鲨在世界各地均有发现,通常在南北纬30度之间的赤道地区。Whale sharks are found worldwide , generally about 30 degrees north and south of the equator.

你在北纬40-41度之间,西经59-60度之间。You are between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude.

珊瑚礁能找到只能在温暖的水域在北纬30度和南纬30度之间。Coral reefs are found only in warm waters between 30 degrees north and 30 degrees south latitudes.

愿温州的基督徒继续把福音传遍中国和在北纬10-40度之窗内的国家。Pray that Wenzhou missionaries will continue to reach China and other nations in the 10-40 Window.

首先,安德鲁从北纬温带来看,月亮从来没有出现在正北。First of all, Andrew, as seen from the northern temperate latitudes, the moon never appears due north.

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预料威马逊将会在越过约在北纬20度的脊线后转向东北加速移动。It is expected that RAMMASUN will accelerate and turn NE once it crosses the ridge axis at around 20N.

白皙皮肤的人种来自太阳光相对弱的北纬地区。Fair skin is an adaptation found in people from northern latitudes where solar rays are relatively weak.

但是,我们虽然坐在靠近拳击台的观察席上,就在北纬49度这里,却从未看清你。But although we've had a ringside seat , we've never understood you completely , up here north of the 49th.