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双蝴蝶兰最清香。Double orchid the fragrance.

空气中弥漫着清洁液的清香。It smelled of cleaning fluid.

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像野丛林花一般的清香。Fresh as the wild bush flowers.

其色泽嫩黄,清香扑鼻。The color yellow, fragrant aroma.

发愿作一朵鲜花,吐露芬芳,给人清香。Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance.

我闻到一股紫罗兰香粉的淡淡的清香味儿。I caught a faint odour of violet sachet.

一杯清茶,散发出沁人心脾的清香。A cup of tea, emitting a refreshing scent.

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洗澡可使身体保持洁净,体味清香。Bathing will keep clean and smelling nice.

菜质脆嫩,清香宜人。Food quality and crisp, pleasant fragrance.

森林里弥漫着清香、雾气和回声。The forest is fragrant, damp, and resonant.

这种树使空气带有一股清香味。The trees tinged the air with their fragrance.

雨后的草原一片清香。The grassland smelt fresh and sweet after rain.

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茶的草味清香,最得我爱。Grass flavor tea fragrance, I love the most was.

这样整个屋子散发出花的清香。The house sends out the smells of the osmanthus.

有柔水的雾和紫薇的清香。Have soft water, fog and Lagerstroemia fragrance.

个人自由是花,创造力就是花的清香。Creativity is the fragrance of individual freedom.

本品口感清醇,清香怡人。The product taste, mellowness, pleasant fragrance.

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怒江,九月,菊花的清香还在。Nu River, September, chrysanthemum fragrance still.

从窗口吹进一阵阵醉人的清香。Through the window came ?of intoxicating fragrance.

散发淡淡的清香与杏仁花和蜂蜜。Delicately fragranced with Almond Flowers and Honey.