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你壮烈去我仍苟活。That I live and you are gone.

高尚的生活,常在壮烈的牺牲中。Noble life, often of heroic sacrifice.

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够了,说的好像你壮烈牺牲了一样!Enough! Will you stop being such a martyr?

啊!英雄何在!死得壮烈凄惨。Ah! where are the heroes! triumphant in death.

总而言之,这就是值得钦佩的壮烈之美。This was, after all, the homage beauty was owed.

许多英雄为人民的事业壮烈牺牲了。Many heroes died a martyr's death for the people's cause.

准备迎接你一生中最壮烈的战斗吧。Prepare yourselves for the greatest battle of your lives.

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战斗中,大个儿为了救一个小女孩,壮烈牺牲了。Battle, in order to save a little girl, big heroic sacrifice.

他落入敌人手中,壮烈牺牲,那时才26岁。He fell into the enemy hands and died a martyr at the age of 26.

事后的所有迹象向我们表明,1990年的世界杯半决赛上演过一场壮烈的牺牲。Hindsight shows us the 1990 World Cup Semi-Final was a heroic defeat.

在最壮烈的时刻,人的内心会产生多么奇特的矛盾!Strange contradictions of the human heart at its most sublime moments.

在向世界第二高峰的冲击中,她壮烈捐躯了。She died heroical ly during an assault on the world's second-highest mountain.

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很快,达斯·维德摧毁了他的战斗机,他壮烈牺牲。He was killed shortly thereafter when his fighter was destroyed by Darth Vader.

为数不少的战士们英勇抵抗,壮烈牺牲。The handful of soldiers fought bravely against the enemies and died heroic deaths.

我回想人类各种伟大或必要的壮烈行动,可是没有一样跟我的狂热相符合。Whatever great or necessary actions come to mind, none answers to this feverishness.

不希望白胡子壮烈呢,谢谢大家辛苦工作!!!!So happy to have the new one, thanks a lot for your hard working! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

千钧一发之际泥鳅用自己的身体盖住了手榴弹,壮烈牺牲。At a crucial moment when the loach with his body covered the grenade, heroic sacrifice.

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其舞姿剽悍壮烈,声慑魂魄,具有浓重的燕赵古风。His heroic swift and fierce dancing, soul sound of fear, with a heavy Yanzhao antiquity.

陵园摆放着那些壮烈牺牲烈士们的石像。The park showcased the statues of those martyrs who were killed during the failed uprising.

生活还是会回到原来的轨道上,我想脱轨,或许壮烈,但是那是心里一块干净的地方。Life will get back on track, I think a heroic, perhaps, but that is the heart of a clean place.