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单方告竣了开火协议。The two sides agreed on a cease-fire.

工程全部告竣。The whole project has been completed.

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她许诺不再去了,但她无法告竣她的诺言。She made the promise but she could not keep it.

陪审团未能告竣定见一致的裁决。The jury was unable to reach a unanimous decision.

在我们就提纲告竣一致以前,写正文是没有意义的。If we do not agree on the outline, any text is useless.

他早年就有此念头,颠末了三十二年关于告竣心愿。He early on there was this idea that after 32 years, finally fulfilled.

非常欢欣得知你告竣了一生的理想。It's wonderful to know that you have completed the dream of a lifetime.

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这个合同根本上席卷了全部我们在谈判中所告竣协定。The contract contains basically all we have agreed upon during our negotiations.

所说的金砖四国中的另外一个国家巴西,是少量希望告竣和谈的国家之一。Brazil, another of the so-called Brics, was among the small group wanting a deal.

上礼拜,我们告竣了一项和谈,对我们的防务和国内开支实施历史性的削减。Last week, we reached an agreement that will make historic cuts to defense and domestic spending.

因而,他积极促成IBM与软件公司告竣一系列协议。Therefore, he facilitates IBM and the software company positively achieves a series of agreements.

你将答案外部政治动态以及企业外部方针是如何告竣的。You will study the dynamics of internal politics and how goals are accomplished within an organization.

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假如你被一件难以告竣的工作困住时,则能够想一想一旦你获得摆脱之后,想要做些什么事,而且对此一等待报以笑容。If you're caught in an impossible job, you can keep yourself smiling by thinking of what you'll be doing once you're free.

缔造力的第三部门就是操作新设法的勇气和动力,把设法加以实施告竣新的功效。A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to apply them to achieve some new resuits.

如不美观双方不能告竣和谈,则按照合同中第12条目经由过程仲裁抉择。Should the two parties fail to reach an agreement will be settled by arbitration according to Clause 12 of the contract thereof.

优异的商务信函在咱们成长同客户的关系,以及告竣新的业务方面起着踊跃的促进效用。Outstanding business letters are playing a positive role in developing a good relationship with customer and prompting new business.

优异的商业上的事务信函在咱们成长同客户的关系,以及告竣新的业务方面起着踊跃的促进作用。Outstanding business letters are playing a positive role in developing a good relationshellop with customer and prompting new business.

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带领许多人包管本年告竣多哈规模内的有大志的平顺的鼎新标准样式。The Leaders pledged to reach agreement thellos year on modalities that leads to an ambitious and balanced conclusion to the Doha Round.

欧盟与中国告竣打破性的双边商业和谈,为中国插手世界商业组织摊平了道路。The European Union and China have reached a ground-breaking trade deal, paving the way for Beijing's membership of the World Trade Organisation.

未来数月内,英特尔可能将与美国的合作伙伴告竣和谈,为明年秋季设立一个学院摊平路线。Inside prospective a few months, intel will come to an agreement possibly with American partner, build an institute to level for next year autumn road.