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在以后几年进行间伐。Tree thinning was employed in later years.

那原稿行间夹有他修改的词语。The manuscript was interlined with his corrections.

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那封信打字工整清晰,行间留一行距离,切中要点。It was cleanly typed, single-spaced, and to the point.

在行与行间为词或短语作出解释。Provide interlinear explanations for words or phrases.

使用外联样式替代行间样式或者内嵌样式Use external style sheets instead of inline or header styles.

老师在学生作文字行间作批改。The teacher interlined corrections on the pupils' compositions.

如果各行之间的空间很小,就很难在行间加注了。It is difficult to make interlinear notes if the space between the lines is very small.

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在果树行间有可能栽培小果类或蔬菜,尤其是核果类。Cultivation of small fruits or vegetables between trees, especially stone fruit trees is possible.

试验以垦丰15和垦丰16两个大豆品种为材料,设行间覆膜和不覆膜两个处理。There are two soybean varieties such as Kenfeng15 and Kenfeng16 were used in the two-year field trials.

隔离级别是游标稳定性时,当游标在行间移动时就会释放锁。When the isolation level is cursor stability, the lock is released as the cursor moves from row to row.

投标文件应避免涂改、行间插字或删除。Any alteration, word-inserting between the lines or deletions of the bidding documents shall be avoided.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She think the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that david is reluctant to tell her.

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她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thinks the deliberate blankness between the line represent the thing that David is reluctant to tell her.

图56显示篱壁果园不同行间宽度的光能截取和分配的情况。Light interception and distribution in hedgerow orchards with different alleyway widths is indicated in Fig . 56.

她认为行间故意留下的空白代表大卫难以启齿告诉她的事情。She thought the deliberate blankness between the lines represented the things that David was reluctant to tell her.

正如您可以阅读,签署了两行的总高度为标志,包括4“行间空间,24”。As you can read, for a two line sign the total height for the sign, including the 4" space between the lines, is 24".

仕超所策划的展览在同行间都是很肯定的,当然他对自己的策划也很成功。Shi exceeds a planning exhibition in TongHangJian are very affirmative, of course, at his own planning and successful.

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夏玉米行间产生的N2O略高于根系密集区,但二者未达显著差异。N2O concentration in the row is higher than in root dense zone of summer maize slightly, but not reached significant difference.

在基本块内进行行扫描,利用行间的相关性,提高了压缩率。The compression ratio can be improved by eliminating correlations between lines when line scanning is executed in the basic blocks.

为保证棉苗生长均匀一致,要求播种时,于行间播种一定数量的预备苗。To ensure the growth of cotton seedling uniform, when seeding is required, the sowing and seedlings of certain amount of preparation.