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吃香肠会引发旋毛虫病。Sausage can cause trichinosis.

旋毛虫病是一种人畜共患寄生虫病。Trichinosis is a zoonotic parasitic diseases.

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例如,旋毛虫会使人感染上旋毛虫病。The trichinella worm, for example, causes the infection trichinellosis.

她的孩子们吃了她没煮熟的猪肉“可能”会死于旋毛虫病。Her children were “probably” dying of trichinosis from pork she’d undercooked.

本文对一起急性旋毛虫病暴发流行的诊治及护理进行了报道。This paper reported the diagnosis, treatment and nursing of an outbreak of trichinelliasis.

提示斑点ELISA法用于旋毛虫病的诊断具有敏感性高、特异性强,有早期诊断价值等优点。This indicated that dot-ELISA had high specificity and sensitivity in the early diagnosis of trichinosis.

目的探讨检测唾液特异性抗体对人体旋毛虫病的诊断价值。Objective To study the diagnostic value of detecting specific antibody in saliva of trichinellosis patients.

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患者一旦被确诊为旋毛虫病,应立即使用抗虫药物丙硫咪唑,病情严重者应增用地塞米松。Albendazole ought to be used immediately, and to be added with dexamethasone when pathogenetic condition was serious.

要迅速、有效地控制和预防旋毛虫病的流行,必须有快速准确的检测技术。To control and prevent the Trichinellosis quickly and effectually, we must have fast and precise detection technique.

对这种现象的一种解释是未煮熟的猪肉会传播一种叫旋毛虫病的疾病。One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is pork that is not cooked sufficiently may spread a disease called trichinosis.

一种解释的猪吃的禁忌是不充分煮熟的猪肉可能传播一种叫旋毛虫病的疾病。One explanation for the pig-eating taboo is that pork that is not cooked sufficiently may spread a disease called trichinosis.

在匈牙利已有多年未发现人体旋毛虫病,但近2年来已发现了散发的猪旋毛虫病。In Hungary, human trichinellosis has not been reported for many years, however, sporadic cases were recorded in swine over last 2 years.

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目的探讨旋毛虫病鼠毒血症的形成以及与中枢神经系统氧化损伤的关系。Objective To study the relationship between formation of toxemia and oxidative damage of central nervous system of mice with trichinosis.

目的对全国弓形虫病、并殖吸虫病和旋毛虫病血清流行病学调查质量进行评价。Objective To evaluate the quality of the seroepidemiological survey which was used in toxoplasmosis paragonimiasis and trichinelliasis in china.

结论检测唾液中特异性抗体对于诊断人体旋毛虫病有一定的应用价值,在采集血清有困难时可将唾液作为血清的替代检测标本。Conclusion The detection of saliva specific antibodies could be used for the diagnosis of human trichinellosis when a serum sample was not obtainable.

年,分别在河南省许昌市的许昌县及鄢陵县进行人群及动物旋毛虫病流行病学调查。An epidemiological investigation of human and domestic animal trichinosis was carried out in Xuchang and Yanling of Xuchang City, Henan Province in 1996-1997.

大理地区旋毛虫病未得到有效控制,应该加强健康教育、严格肉类卫生检疫、提倡圈养猪。Strengthen healthy education and healthy quarantine, to raise pigs in sty were effective measures of controlling the critical epidemic situation in Dali region.

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目的试验比较快速试纸条法、快速ELISA法、常规镜检法和人工胃液消化法检测猪旋毛虫病效果。Objective The intention of test is to compare the effect of detecting trichinellosis with rapid detection strip, ELISA, general microscope and artificially pepsin.

结论旋毛虫病诊断容易,阿苯达唑疗效肯定,阻断流行应加强预防措施。And adverse reaction was weak. Conclusion The diagnosis of trichinelliasis is easy. Albendazole's curative effect is good. And to break epidemic must enhance prophylaxis.

目的调查云南大理小兽旋毛虫感染及感染小兽种类,为当地旋毛虫病的防治提供资料。Objective To survey the Trichinella spiralis infection and host species of small mammal in Dali, Yunnan, in order to provide data for prevention and treatment of trichinosis.