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但是现在有更多的庄稼地,是吗?。What is the world's population now?

别让这些动物进庄稼地里去。Keep these animals out of the fields.

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许多农民离开庄稼地到城里去找管事。Many fwristers left the land for jobs in town.

当黄昏的时候,他看到在庄稼地一个健壮的农民正在耕地。When it was almost dark, he saw in a cornfield a tall farmer plowing the land.

那是一栋很漂亮的小房子,有一个非常宽敞、年久失修的谷仓,房前的斜坡上是成片的庄稼地,直延伸至远处的森林里。It was a brave little house with a big, tumbledown barn and fields that sloped into forests beyond.

他们望着从翠绿的田野和成熟的庄稼地上冉冉升起的夏日里淡灰色的水汽。They looked at the faint grey vapour of summer steaming off from the greenness and ripeness of the fields.

这是一笔不小的费用,对于这个只靠庄稼地维持生计的家庭来说,无疑是非常困难的。This was not a small expense. For a family that relied on the field for survival, this was certainly a hardship.

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一个农民无意间在他的庄稼地里挖出了一顶旧高顶礼帽,而这顶礼帽带来的印第安诅咒会毁坏所有的农田。A farmer unearths an old top hat on his property and with it an ancient Indian curse that lays waste to all the farmers crops.

右边的图片一个印第安小女孩和一些成年的斯伊诺猪。它们在附近的村庄和庄稼地附近游逛。The picture to the right is of a little Indian girl and some adult Cuinos who wander around the village and near-by crop land.

她的眼光扫过一片宽广的庄稼地,掠过东南,然后痴情地滞留于地平线上最远的山梁。Her eyes, wandering over a wide tract of country to the southeast, fondly rested on the farthest ridge of hills in the horizon.

而玉米秸秆,即收割玉米后留在庄稼地里的叶、茎和棒子芯,都无法得到利用。Corn stover -- that is, the leaves, stalk and cobs from the corn left in the field after harvest -- cannot be made into ethanol.

公路是顺着尼罗河修筑的,一会穿过庄稼地,一会像是划的一条黑线,这边是庄稼,那边是沙漠。The road followed the course of the Nile, now passing through the fields, now drawing a black line separating them from the desert.

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根据Braudel先生的观点,古美索不达米亚的女人曾经在庄稼地里耕种。According to Mr Braudel, women in ancient Mesopotamia had previously been in charge of the fields and gardens where cereals were grown.

虽然政府定期会宣传节约型耕种模式,但灌溉用水仍然大量流经常被杂草堵塞的肮脏渠道,其中大部分还没到庄稼地就渗入土里了。Despite periodic government efforts to promote less wasteful practices, irrigation water still flows largely through dirt channels often choked with weeds.

城市不像农村的庄稼地,在自然力的作用下可以自己“修养生息”,城市里的一砖一石、一草一木都是“人工”的。Unlike farmlands in the countryside, which can resume their forms with the nature's power, urban components such as bricks, stones, grasses and trees are "man-made".

那芦苇地里常常有野兽出没,他担心自己的庄稼被野兽毁坏了,就总是拿着弓箭到庄稼地和芦苇地交界的地方去来回巡视。He worried that his crops might be ruined by the beasts, so he would take the bow and arrow with him and scouted around the area between the crop land and the reed bed.

笔者对庄稼地艺术的情结源于童年美好的农村生活的记忆,这种经历具备了创作的情感和细节真实的基础。Thee author's love on crop land painting is because of the country life memory in his childhood, which consists of the basic framework of his practicing emotion and detail truth.

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2009年8月29日,中国中部的湖南省凤凰镇前公平镇上,村民们挖沟渠把灌溉水引到庄稼地以减轻干旱危害程度。Villagers dig ditches to channel irrigation water into the crop field to alleviate drought in Qiangongping town, Fenghuang county of Central China's Hunan province, August 29, 2009.

就那年炎热的夏天,庄稼地的湿度恰到好处,过早的种植使授粉避开酷热在顶梢干枯前,雨水稀少使地里长着的玉米免遭水灾。For that one blistering summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods.

就那年炎热的夏天,庄稼地的湿度恰到好处,过早的种植使授粉避开酷热在顶梢干枯前完成,雨水稀少使地里长着的玉米免遭水灾。For that one blistering summer, the ground moisture was just right, planting early allowed pollination before heat, withered the tops, and the lack of rain spared the standing corn from floods.