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垒球是实心的。The softball is solid.

我输了最后一场垒球赛。I lost my last softball game.

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我们凯西是垒球好手。We Caseys are baseball legends.

这是一首关于垒球的名诗。It's a famous poem about baseball.

你今天的垒球比赛失败了?Did you lose today’s softball game?

我参加了垒球联赛。I play in the city softball league.

你想参加垒球队吗?Do you want to join the softball team?

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有时我们不踢足球,我们玩足垒球。Sometimes we like to play kickball instead.

“但我今天有一场垒球比赛!”我说。But I have a softball game today, " I said."

国际垒球联合会是垒球的世界性管理机构。The ISF is the world governing body of softball.

垒球比赛只打7局。There are only seven innings in a game of softball.

大多数学生了解棒垒球运动。Most students understand the Baseball and Softball Games.

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垒球的世界性管理机构的名称是什么?What is the name of the world governing body of softball?

但垒球的投手必须使用下手投法。But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhand.

但垒球的投手必须使用下手投球。But in softball, the pitcher must throw the ball underhanded.

你今天就能接手垒球队的训练,实际上是现在。Ah, you can take over softball practice today, right now in fact.

苏?你想参加垒球队吗?我们还需要个队员。Sue? Do you want to join the softball team? We need another player.

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“我们的邻居组成一个小团伙,玩各种垒球游戏,”她说道。“Our neighborhood gang organized a lot of softball games, ” she said.

可以考虑参加公司主办的垒球队或其他活动。Consider joining the company-sponsored softball team or other activities.

一个尖叫的职业运动员和五年级的垒球运动员比赛,实在是很没品。Screaming professional plays at fifth grade softball players is classless.