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要在奋斗中做个英雄好汉!Be a hero in strife!

奋斗到底!Struggle to the end !

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我们一起奋斗。We struggle together.

的他依然,依然奋斗。He still, still strove.

要在奋斗中做个英雄好汉!Be a hero in the strife !

但它值得我们为之奋斗。But it is worth fighting.

他一直奋斗到生命的最后一息。He fought till his last breath.

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人在奋斗的过程中避免不了会犯错误。Man errs so long as he strives.

我决心奋斗到底。I am determined to fight it out.

人生是不断的奋斗。Life is a never-ending struggle.

奋斗过后的痛苦莫过如此。After a painful struggle so much.

我想他会奋斗到底的。I think he'll fight till the end.

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奋斗是通向理想的桥梁。Strugle is the bridge to success.

他们带着勇气和荣誉奋斗。They serve with courage and honor.

靠自己奋斗而成功的人的对立面。of the story of a self-made person.

然而,只有共同奋斗才能实现它。But we can only achieve it together.

当时我们英勇奋斗,今天却要畏缩不前吗?Did we brave all then to falter now?

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我是一只小小的爱奋斗的小蘑菇。I am a hard-working little mushroom.

我们全队为这一寸来奋斗。On this team we fight for that inch.

他们为言论的自由而奋斗。They combated for freedom of speech.