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那是一个正方形的外接圆。It is a circle that is circumscribed around a square.

以最小外接圆法评定了金刚石颗粒投影的圆度。The roundness of grit's projection was assessed by minimum circumcircle method.

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基于平面模板摄像机自标定的新算法,利用正六边形的特性,给出了一种精确求解其外接圆圆心的巧妙方法。In this paper, we discuss a new method for camera self-calibration based on a plane pattern of equilateral-dodecagon.

文中分别介绍了用计算机求最小外接圆和最大内切圆的新算法。The new algorithms to find out minimum circumscribed and maximum inscribed circle with computer are respectively introduced.

本文采用了霍夫变换和构造外接圆匹配两种圆检测算法方法对数码球进行检测和定位。In this thesis, we use Hough transform method and constructing circumscribed circle method to detect and locate the digital ball.

提出了一种新的基于坐标旋转的凸包算法,并将其运用在对圆度误差的最小外接圆评定算法中,减小计算量。The author proposed a new rotating coordinates convex hull algorithm, and using it in assessing roundness to reduce the computation.

介绍按最小外接圆法、最大内接圆法评定圆度误差的一种快速、简便、易于微机实现的数据处理方法。The data processing method for evaluation the circularity error with minimum circumscribed circle and maximum incircle was introduced.

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提出一种直线和圆最小包容区域及最小外接圆的快速搜索算法,该算法利用凸包原理,排除不相关的运算数据点,可减小运算量。Based on the convex hull principle, the fast searching algorithms for minimum circumscribed circle and minimum zone of line and circle were proposed.

提出了求加速度瞬心的两种方法,即外接圆法和公式法。Two methods of establishing acceleration instantaneous center place, namely, a round of outside connection method and a formula method are described.

提出一种基于MATLAB的圆度评定方法,利用MATLAB优化工具箱,为采用最小区域圆法、最小二乘圆法、最小外接圆法和最大内接圆法实现圆度的评定提供了新的选择。By using MATLAB optimization toolbox, the method has supplied a new selection to assess roundness with taking MZC, LSC, MCC and MIC as its reference circle.

本文提出了一种新的椭圆生成算法,利用椭圆与其外接圆和内切圆之间的相互位置关系,通过先生成两个圆来生成一个椭圆。This paper proposes a new ellipse-generation algorithm based on geometric relations. It makes use of the geometric relations between an ellipse and its circumcircle and inscribed circle.

介绍按最小外接圆法、最大内接圆法评定圆度误差的一种快速、简便、易于微机实现的数据处理方法。The data processing method for evaluation the circularity error with minimum circumscribed circle and maximum incircle was introduced. The method is quick and convenient to realize on computer.

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根据圆度误差的评定方法,建立了最小二乘法、最小外接圆法和最小区域法的数学模型,并给出了其圆度误差。On the basis of the way to evaluate circular degree error, the mathematic model for measuring the circular degree error are given with the least square, minimum circum circle and minimum area methods.