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谁拥有希腊的借款?Who owns that Greek debt?

长期借款依然萎靡不振。Longer-term borrowing also is anemic.

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税收,借款和印刷美元。Taxation, borrowing and printing dollars.

银行应该借款给我们这样的人。Banks should be lending to people like us.

这些国家目前有一些借款的余地。Countries now have some headroom to borrow.

通过市场来支应其2012年的借款需求,"他在专访中表示.from the market," he said in the interview.

他把房契给我作担保,向我借款一万英镑。He has given his house as security for the loan.

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他把房子抵押给放高利贷者,借款3万镑。He mortgaged his house to the usurer for &30000.

我留下这块手表作为借款的抵押物。I have left the watch as pledge for borrowed money.

他将房子作抵押借款以开办一家商店。He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.

王兵想以借款合同为由据为己有。Wang bing want to loan contract to purloin it grounds.

中国现在是IADB的二十二个非借款成员之一。China is now one of 22 non-borrowing members in the IADB.

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根据报道,这些借款将再翻上一番。These loans will be rolled over once, according to reports.

你在借款作保前,必须清偿整所有债务。You must pay off your solution before securing another loan.

借款吧,由于社会上所传的那些消息,已借不到了。Credit, owing to the reports afloat, was no longer to be had.

我把借款投资到了养牛业上,购买了饲料。I invested the borrowed money in raising cows, buying fodder.

如果安东尼奥不能偿还夏洛克的借款,他必须给夏洛克什么?What must Antonio give Shylock if he can't pay back the debt?

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这些都是在较长的任期应计利息的借款。These are longer in term and accrued interest for the borrower.

他还给放高利贷的王哥打电话,愿意用金条股票等东西借款。He also usury Wang Ge call, are willing to use gold stocks, etc.

我有时发现偿还抵押借款是个负担。I sometimes find it a strain to be responsible for the mortgage.