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人们开始交头接耳并且哄笑。People began to talk and laugh.

舞蹈演员被一片哄笑声赶下了舞台。The dancer was laughed off the stage.

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他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.

他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。All the boys burst out into a guffaw at the joke.

众大臣哄笑,所罗门自己也微微一笑。All the ministers laughed and Solomon himself smiled.

整个走廊立刻就被一阵阵的哄笑声淹没了。The entire gallery was engulfed in peals of laughter.

没人笑得出来,轻笑、窃笑和哄笑都没有。No one laughed, Qing Xiao, laughing and do not guffaw.

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观众用哄笑把那个表演者赶出了剧场。The audience laughed the performer out of the theatre.

这一说法却召来了网友的哄笑。This one view however call in the netizen's cachinnation.

主席厉声斥责听众哄笑。The chair sternly rebuked the audience for their laughter.

口哨声和哄笑声顿时从四面八方传来。Whistle and laughter sound suddenly coming from all sides.

尿到一半的时候,一辆公车路过,满载着哄笑的孩子。About halfway through, a bus full of laughing kids went by.

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人们发出一阵哄笑,他做了个手势,猛然制止了笑声。There was a laugh which he cut off brusquely with a gesture.

我们哄笑起来,有些过分,以致于他那个晚上早早就让我们放学了。We laughed so immoderately that he had to dismiss us for that evening.

工头指着我尿湿的裤子,大笑起来,其他工人也跟着哄笑起来。The foreman pointed at my soiled pants and laughed, and the other workers laughed, too.

他的歌声引起了听众的哄笑,便羞愧得赶忙离开了比赛场地。His singing made the audience burst out laughing . He felt ashamed and left the competition hurriedly.

她好像并不明白为何有几个人哄笑成一团,而杰克的脸也红得不寻常。She didn't seem to understand why several people were guffawing and Jack was turning pinker than usual.

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有时,我甚至觉得自己像一个喜剧演员,迸发出一个又一个的笑话,使整个课堂哄笑不已。Sometimes, I even feel like a stand-up comedian cracking Dharma jokes that send the class guffawing away.

然后监狱长走了,唐太斯的耳朵里传进了几句怜悯的话,还夹杂着残酷的哄笑。The governor then went out, and words of pity fell on Dants' listening EARS, mingled with brutal laughter.

然后监狱长走了,唐太斯的耳朵里传进了几句怜悯的话,还夹杂着残酷的哄笑。The governor then went out, and words of pity fell on Dantès' listening ears, mingled with brutal laughter.